Where can I find My Matric Results: KwaZulu Natal 2022/2023

Where can I find My Matric Results: KwaZulu Natal 2022/2023


Where can I find My Matric Results: KwaZulu Natal 2022/2023

Where can I find My Matric Results: KwaZulu Natal 2020/2021
Where can I find My Matric Results: KwaZulu Natal 2022/2023

Where can I find My Matric Results: KwaZulu Natal 2022/2023 Here is everything you need to know about finding your matric results as a student from KwaZulu Natal.

  • The Department of Education
  • Online
  • Your Cellphone
  • The Newspaper

The Department of Education

Another way to find out about your results is through the Department of Education in KwaZulu Natal. If you are unable to access your results or are confused by the process, you can contact them on:

Tel: 033 846 5475
Tel: 0800 204 353


Online is an easy place to find your matric results as soon as they come out. There are various platforms that you can use but most importantly, the Department of Education’s website will have your results as soon as they are released.

To access your results on their website, you need to log on with:

  • Your Examination Number.
  • Your ID Number
  • Your Details

If you are from a private school that fell under the IEB, you can repeat the above process on the IEB website as soon as your results are released. Keep in mind that your results might be released earlier than the public school results.

Another credible source where you can find your matric results is News24. This online news platform has a page dedicated to the release of the matric results. As soon as they come out, they will be available here.

Matric College is a credible source of education information and it will also have all of the results as soon as they are released. To find your results, keep up to date with their news page.

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Your Cellphone

Since we are hardly parted with our mobile devices, this is a great way for you to get your matric results in February 2021. You have two options on your cell phone, namely:

  • SMS
  • USSD


If you want to get your results via SMS, all you have to do is:

  • Send an SMS to 35658.
  • You will be required to enter your ID number and your examination number.


USSD is a quick method when it comes to getting your matric results upon their release. To access them this way, all you have to do is:

  • Dial this number on your phone *120*35658#
  • You will be required to answer some multiple-choice questions.
  • Enter your ID and examination number.
  • You will then receive your matric results.


This is a rather old fashioned way of finding your matric results that is mostly used by parents and other adults in society. It is, however, still a trustworthy way to get your results.

In KwaZulu Natal, newspapers like Ladysmith Herald, Maritzburg Sun and North Coast Times are popular newspapers that might have the matric results as soon as they are released.


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