JIUNGE NASI WHATSAPP TU FOLLOW. BONYEZA HAPA Ajira za Sensa ya Watu na Makazi 2022 At National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
Ajira za Sensa ya Watu na Makazi 2022 At National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) The Government of United Republic of Tanzania it planned to Conduct Census on August 2022 Under Ministry of Finance and Planning(MOF) Through National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Collaborate with office of the chief government statistician Zanzibar (OCGS) ,
Numbers of People Needed to Go through Regions,District,Village House for House to Collect Information on people Living hood Here are Announced AJIRA ZA SENSA ZA WATU NA MAKAZI 2022.
About National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has been established as an autonomous public office by the Statistics Act, 2015 and has the mandate to provide official statistics to the Government, business community and the public at large. The Act also gives NBS the mandate to play the role as a co-coordinating agency, within the National Statistical System (NSS) to ensure that quality official statistics is produced. Before the enactment of the Statistics Act of 2015, the NBS was one of the Government Executive Agencies which was established on the 26th March, 1999 under the Executive Agencies Act, 1997.
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The NBS which is the central depository for all official statistics produced in Tanzania, is responsible for the collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination of official statistics. Specifically, the services offered by NBS, include:
- To collect data from various sources, analyze, publish, and distribute to stakeholders,
- To conduct surveys and provide technical advice on sampling, statistical data collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of collected data whenever requested by a user/stakeholder,
- To develop standards, methods and provide interpretation of concepts and definitions,
- To provide raw data for researchers and other stakeholders,
- To prepare maps needed for various surveys and censuses, and.
Important Of Census
The Government of Tanzania They tend To Conduct Census After Every one Decade this Due to Economic Problem as Developing County while Developed Country Conducted After every 4 to 5 years Due to the important of Census.The Bellow Are the Reasons of Conducting Census.
1.To Help the Government of Tanzania to get Important information for Development plan of 2025 on Helth and also help to track the Development Progress of the nation.
2. it Help The District Council to check the Development Ration Between Number of People and Social services.
3. Import Demographic Information,Social and Economic of The peoples Residence.
4. it Act like Distribution Factor on Personal income,Employment Opportunities,and School Enrollment /Registration.
5. it Help Government to know rate of Demographic Change.
6.it act as Source of Good Governance like Democracy,It Help on Distribution of Province for National Election.
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How to Download Census Job Advert 2022
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1 .Visit NBS Official Website ( www.nbs.go.tz )
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Ajiraforum.com is Just a 3rd part site For More Census information kindly Visit NBS Official Website 👉www.nbs.go.tz
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