JIUNGE NASI WHATSAPP TU FOLLOW. BONYEZA HAPA ISW Fee Structure PDF Download-Kiwango cha Ada Chuo cha Maendeleo ya Jamii – Institute of Social Work
ISW Fee Structure PDF Download-Kiwango cha Ada Chuo cha Maendeleo ya Jamii – Institute of Social Work The Authority of the Institute of Social Work (ISW) has released the amount payable as school fees ,ISW Prospective candidates who are offered provisional admission or probably seeking admission into the Institute of Social Work (ISW) Undergraduate and Postgraduate (Degree, PhD, Masters, Diploma, Certificate, Short Course and Non-Degree) Programme are hereby informed that the management of the institution has released the amount they are required to pay as acceptance fee.
Whats Institute of Social Work (ISW) Fee Cover?
Institute of Social Work (ISW) Fees covers tuition fees, course material fees, registration fees, examination fees, accommodation fees & other charges for the session.
Institute of Social Work Fee Structure
To access the Institute of Social Work Fee Structure for the current session, follow the steps below to access:
- Go to the Institute of Social Work website on www.isw.ac.tz
- Navigate and click on ‘Fee Structure’
- Proceed and click on ‘Download’
- Download & Save.
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