Alama Za Barabarani na Maana zake (Road signs and their use)


Alama Za Barabarani na Maana zake (Road signs and their use)

Alama Za Barabarani na Maana zake (Road signs and their use) Welcome in this Alama Za Barabarani na Maana zake Article you will get All Road sign and Their use.

Alama Za Barabarani na Maana zake (Road signs and their use)

(The usage of road signs). A road sign is a sign mounted on a pole alongside the road to inform, warn, or direct people travelling by foot or by other modes of transportation. For drivers or other road users, a road sign employs a picture or brief, one- or two-word text.

Symbols of command.

These signs give orders to road users about the matter according to the respective section, and are in the shape of a circle. It can be an order to forbid or compel you to do something. Example Speed ​​limit signs.

Warning or caution signs.

These signs alert road users to an event or danger ahead. These marks are usually in the shape of a triangle.

Directional Signs.

These signs provide the main directions for the best use of the road or direction, and are in the shape of four corners and often in blue, green or red.

Information symbols.

These signs provide various information about places, villages, cities, parks, and other main information about the best use of the road, they are in the shape of four corners in blue, green or red.

Background markings or floor patterns.

These signs are painted on the floor in white and give various instructions on the best use of the road and their shapes vary according to the use of the signs.

Alama Za Barabarani na Maana zake

Alama Za Barabarani na Maana zake (Road signs and their use)
Alama Za Barabarani na Maana zake (Road signs and their use)

Alama Za Barabarani na Maana zake



Originally posted 2024-02-28 10:03:27.

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