JIUNGE NASI WHATSAPP TU FOLLOW. BONYEZA HAPA 24 Transfer Jobs At Hombolo Local Government Training Institute March 2021
24 Transfer Jobs At Hombolo Local Government Training Institute March 2021 The Local Government Training Institute (LGTI) was established by Act of Parliament No.26 of 1994 as a body corporate. The Institute was established to serve as a practical-oriented professional centre for demand-driven training, research, advisory and consultancy services in the fields of Local Government Finance, Administration and Management. As such, the Institute falls under the subject sector of Business and Management. The said subject sector includes Accountancy; Financial Management, Materials Management, Human Resource Management, Project Planning, Law and related fields.Nafasi za kazi Hombolo,Ajira mpya chuo cha hombolo
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Objectives and Function of the Institute
- To promote social and economic development  by providing opportunities for the study of and training in the principles, techniques and their practical application in various aspects of Local Government Administration and Management;
- To provide facilities, places and centers of  learning, education, training and research in Local Government practices and such other related subjects and disciplines;
- To conduct long and short term training programmes in all disciplines relating to local government including the preparation, application and evaluation of development programmes;
- To undertake, either alone or in association with any other person or body of persons within or outside the United Republic of Tanzania, research in methods and techniques for improving Local Government Administration and Management;
- To monitor and co-ordinate research and training relating to Local Government Administration and Management;
- To collect, publish or otherwise disseminate data and other information related to Local Government including the publication of results of any research carried out by the Institute;
- To sponsor, arrange or provide facilities for  conferences, seminars or symposia on subjects related to Local Government;
- To provide advisory, consultancy and other services to the Government, Local authorities, villages and individuals in matters relating to Local Government;
- To prepare students for such examinations as may be conducted by the Institute and to grant such awards as may be prescribed under or in accordance with the establishment Act;
24 Transfer Jobs At Hombolo Local Government Training Institut
P.O.Box 1125 Dodoma, Tanzania.
Telephone: +255 26 296 1101. Mobile: Email: [email protected].
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