JIUNGE NASI WHATSAPP TU FOLLOW. BONYEZA HAPAUIC NetID Login ,Activation & Password Reset-How to Find my University of Illinois Chicago ID Number
UIC NetID Login ,Activation & Password Reset-How to Find my University of Illinois Chicago ID Number Welcome to UIC! Once you activate your UIC NetID and password, you will use these credentials to access most University of Illinois resources (e.g., university email, Blackboard, UIC-WiFi, Student Registration & Records, Financial Aid, and many other university services).
Your new NetID is a unique identifier assigned to you and serves as your username when logging in to university services. It also becomes part of your UIC email address ([email protected]).
A secure and well-managed password is key to protecting your access to University of Illinois resources. The activation process includes setting up password recovery options for self-service management so that you will be prepared, in advance, if you need to recover your password.
Are you a new UIC employee? You will create your NetID and password in UI New Hire.
Identity Verification
Policy Compliance
Please review the UIC Acceptable Use of Computational Resources Policy and then indicate your acceptance in the checkbox below.
“members”); and all resources
in the university computing portfolio including: systems, network
infrastructure, devices, facilities and applications (collectively
referred to as “computational resources”), whether located on
university property or accessed remotely.
Throughout this document, the physical network used to provide
internal networking and Internet services at UIC will be referred to
as the “UIC network.” The term “LAN” will be used to refer to a subset
of the UIC network, commonly known as a “subnet,” or as a departmental
local area network.”
All users have a responsibility to use university computational
resources in an efficient, ethical, and legal manner. Users of these
resources are expected to abide by this policy, which is intended to
preserve the utility and flexibility of computational resources,
safeguard university data, protect the work of students, staff, and
faculty, and preserve the ability to access network resources to
which the university is connected.
Policy may exist at the system and university level that place
additional restrictions on the permissible use of computational
resources. Such policies take precedence when they are more restrictive.
Units may create policy that imposes additional restrictions on
computational resources within their areas, but in instances where
a unit policy is less restrictive, this policy applies.
Underlying Principles
The following general statements provide the basis for making the
specific recommendations that appear here and for deriving answers
to future policy questions.
1. Access to computational resources is a privilege and
not a right.
2. The principles of academic freedom apply in full to
electronic communications within the limits set within
this and other university policies.
3. The use of computational resources provided by the
university are subject to all applicable State and
Federal laws and university policies.
4. Technology Solutions is responsible for the design,
operation, and management of the computational
resources provided to the university. This responsibility
includes the choice of protocols supported by the network
and the definition of campus standards necessary for
efficient operation of the network or for the security
of transmitted data and networked computers and is
subject to change.
5. The standards of behavior expected of community members
extend to the virtual environment as well.
Computational resources are the property of the university and shall
be used for legitimate university instructional, research,
administrative, public service, and approved contract purposes.
University identifiers (NetIDs) and computer sign-ons are the
property of the university. The university may revoke these
identifiers or sign-ons at any time with due cause.
Individual Responsibility
All UIC members are assigned a university identifier (NetID) and are
required to create a password associated with that NetID to access
computational resources. Members may also be required to use a second
form of authentication referred to as two factor authentication (2FA)
through a device such as a phone app, SMS, or hardware token to access
specific resources. Sharing of computational resources and passwords
is prohibited and it is your responsibility to protect these access
mechanisms by safeguarding your password and 2FA device.
Members may not attempt to disguise their identity, the identity of
their account, or the device that they are using while accessing
university resources. Use of software that masks the origin of network
traffic when accessing non-university resources for privacy reasons
is permissible. Members may not attempt to impersonate another person
or organization. Members may likewise not misuse or appropriate the
university’s name, network names, or network address spaces.
Members are responsible for maintaining security controls that comply
with university policy and standards on their personal equipment
(laptops, mobile devices, etc.) that utilize university
computational resources.
Acceptable Use
University computational resources are the property of the university
and shall be used for legitimate university instructional, research,
administrative, public service, and approved purposes.
Minimal personal use of computational resources may be permitted if it
does not interfere with the university’s or the employee’s ability to
carry out university business and does not violate the terms of this
policy or university ethics rules, policies or guidelines. Members
should keep in mind that sensitive personal information, other than that
required for employment by the university, should never be transmitted
or stored using computational resources.
Users of computational resources shall not violate any applicable law
or ethics rules, policies or guidelines as a result of their use of
such resources.
All users of computational resources must:
– Comply with copyright and trademark laws; this includes a
prohibition on using the UIC network to illegally download or
share copyrighted material such as software, movies, music, books, etc.
– Use only those computational resources they are authorized to
use and use them only in the manner and to the extent authorized.
– Not share accounts and credentials with anyone. Account
credentials are for use only by the individual to whom
they are assigned.
– Refrain from unauthorized access, modification, or destruction
of another person’s computer files, communications, accounts,
or other data.
– Refrain from installing or using unauthorized software,
particularly software that may create security risks.
– Refrain from intentional access to or dissemination of
pornographic material unless (1) such use is specific to
work-related functions and has been approved a user’s
supervisor/unit manager or (2) such use is for scholarly
or medical purposes.
– Refrain from unauthorized attempts to circumvent the
security controls of any computational resource.
– Refrain from attempts to degrade system performance or
capability, or attempts to damage systems, software, or
intellectual property of others.
– Refrain from using computational resources for commercial
purposes unrelated to the university, except as
specifically authorized.
– Comply with all federal, state and other applicable laws,
all applicable university rules and policies, and all
applicable contracts and licenses. Users are responsible
for ascertaining, understanding, and complying with the
laws, rules, policies, contracts, and licenses applicable
to their particular uses.
– Request supervisory direction regarding permitted personal
use of computational resources.
Proper and Authorized Use of the UIC Network
Members may not extend or share the UIC network with the public or others
beyond what has been configured by the Technology Solutions Network
Infrastructure Team. Members are not permitted to connect any network
devices or systems (e.g., switches, routers, wireless access points,
VPNs, and firewalls) to the UIC Network without advance consultation
and written permission from the Technology Solutions Network
Infrastructure Team.
Devices connected to the UIC network may not route network traffic
between a UIC network and an external network without written approval
from the Technology Solutions Network Infrastructure group.
Only Technology Solutions-approved domains may be operated within
UIC Network address space. Publicly accessible Domain Name Servers
must be approved by Technology Solutions before they are placed in service.
If Technology Solutions determines that a LAN, or any portion thereof,
presents an immediate security risk to other UIC computational resources,
Technology Solutions may terminate or restrict the LAN’s network connection
without notice until the issue has been remediated. If there is no
immediate risk, Technology Solutions will bring the matter to the attention
of the LAN’s network administrator and/or network security liaison.
Technology Solutions will occasionally perform network scans of computational
resources connected to the UIC network for security vulnerabilities. If the
Technology Solutions Information Security and Privacy Office becomes aware
of high-severity security vulnerabilities either through the results of
these scans or other means, the administrator is responsible for securing
the system to the satisfaction of the Technology Solutions Information
Security and Privacy Office in a timely manner. Failure to do so will result
in the restriction of network access for the affected resource.
The system administrator of a computational resource is responsible for the
security of that resource. UIC Network connected servers must require user
authentication over an encrypted session before allowing access to non-public
information. At minimum, this will require the connecting user to supply a
NetID and associated password. The administrator must monitor and log access
and keep other system logs useful for establishing the identities of individuals
used in the event of a breach of security.
All devices connected to the UIC network must be registered with a Technology
Solutions operated or approved domain name server. Devices found connected
that are not properly registered will be considered security threats and
will have their network access blocked.
Network vulnerability scanning of computational resources is restricted to
authorized personnel using the university provided solution.
Software and hardware which permit the capture and examination of network
packets (commonly known as sniffing), may only be used on the UIC network
by authorized personnel.
1. These tools may only be used after consultation with and receiving
written permission from the Technology Solutions Information
Security and Privacy Office.
2. When using these tools, they must be configured to capture the
minimum information needed to diagnose the problem (i.e. member
data should not be captured unless needed to solve a problem).
3. All data collected must be securely deleted as soon as it has
served its purpose.
4. All information collected by these tools must be considered
high-risk as defined by the UIC IT Security Program.
Administrators of computational resources are required to log access to
their devices. The log information may include the source and destination
addresses, session start and end times as well as the NetID used to
establish the session.
Computational resources on the UIC Network must not be used to provide email
or email routing services for persons or organizations that are not
UIC community members.
The following devices may not be installed on the UIC network unless written
consent has been given by the Technology Solutions Network Infrastructure group.
Unapproved devices are subject to network filtering and/or physical disconnection.
1. Hardware firewalls and/or NAT devices
2. Wireless access points
3. DHCP servers
Security and Monitoring
The university regularly monitors and records the activity on computational
resources to evaluate system efficiency and to detect signs of intrusion
and/or abuse. It is the practice of the university not to selectively
monitor the usage of computational resources by individuals unless there is
a legitimate business or security reason to do so. The university may
further monitor and record the usage of individuals, including the
disclosure of individual files when:
1. in accordance with generally accepted security, network, and
system administration practices;
2. to prevent or investigate any actual or potential information
security incident and/or misuse of computational resources;
3. it has reason to believe that activities are taking place
contrary to this policy, or state or federal law;
4. necessary to respond to a court order, subpoena, to assist
law enforcement, or in response to a request from a federal
or state oversight agency;
5. necessary to respond to a request for discovery in the
course of litigation;
6. necessary to retrieve information in emergency circumstances
where there is a threat to health, safety, or university
property involved.
The university, in consultation with its legal counsel, may contact
local or federal law enforcement authorities to investigate any matter
in its sole discretion.
Employees do not have an expectation of privacy in their use of
university computational resources and should limit personal use
of these resources to minimize any potential exposure of personal data.
To ensure business continuity units may, with proper authorization,
request access to employee email and files upon termination of
employment or an unanticipated leave of absence
Failure to comply with this policy may put university information
assets at risk and may have disciplinary consequences for employees,
up to and including termination of employment. Students who violate
this policy may be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students.
Contractors, vendors, and others who fail to adhere to this policy
may face termination of their business relationships with the university.
Violation of this policy may also carry the risk of civil or
criminal penalties.
Reason for Policy: Failure to comply with this policy may put
university information assets at risk.
Minority Impact Statement: The policy does not have any disproportionate
or unique impact on UIC’s minority students, staff, or faculty.
Who Should Read the Policy: All students, faculty, staff, and administrators at UIC.
– Covered Individuals: The policy applies to all members of the university
community, our partners and guests, which includes any entity using
university computing devices or the university data network, including
the UIC-Guest network and eduroam.
– Ownership of Resources: All technology resources owned by the university
may be accessed only by authorized personnel. Digital identifiers
assigned by the university (e.g. Netid) are the property of the university.
– Identity: Members of the university community must use their assigned
identifiers and may not share credentials. Individuals may not disguise
their identity or that of any technology equipment.
– Acceptable Use: Personal use of resources should be limited but may
be permitted when it does not violate other policy or ethics guidelines.
Resources may not be used for prohibited political activity or commercial
activity unrelated to the business of the university. Individuals may not
use resources to violate any applicable law or to transmit harassing
or malicious content.
– Data Network: The campus data network is run solely by Technology Solutions
in support of university functions. No individual may connect network
devices or systems to the network, including wireless access points,
firewalls, and routers, without the consent of Technology Solutions.
Technology Solutions monitors network traffic and may shut down network
access to investigate issues or mitigate threats.
– Discipline: Failure to comply with this policy may put university
information assets at risk and may have disciplinary consequences for
employees, up to and including termination of employment. Students who
fail to adhere to this policy may be referred to the Office of the
Dean of Students. Contractors, vendors, and others who fail to adhere
to this policy may face termination of their business relationships
with the university. Violation of this policy may also carry the risk
of civil or criminal penalties.
Procedures: None
Forms: None
Related Laws, Regulations, Statutes, and Policies:
Document History:
Approval date: February 17, 2022
Approved as: New policy
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