TRA:Jinsi ya kupata Tin number Online |OTS TRA Tin number online Application
TRA:Jinsi ya kupata Tin number Online |OTS TRA Tin number online Application What is the Tin number? Is the abbreviation of the Tax payer Identification Number which used to identify number used for Tax purpose it can be either numbers or letters which shorten from full version This originated from united state of America and Adapted by A lot of African countries Including Tanzania
FAQ: Frequently Aked Questions About TIN Number Registration

Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) TIN Registration Desk
Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) Introduce system of Tax payer identifying known as Tin Number and Delegate to BRELA office Jengo la ushirika 6th floor along Lumumba ,Ilala in Dar es salaam city.
This is the system Designed by Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) To simplify or To reduce jam of people who need Taxpayers identification Number TRA Use online Technology service to enable people who has Internet Access to make All Tin Application online By simple steps now if you have smartphone or computer which connected to internet you can Acces the ots tra