TIRA MIS JINSI YA KUHAKIKI BIMA YA VYOMBO VYA MOTO Motor Insurance-Is the type of Insurance which protect insured against financial loss on the event which their motor Vehicle may involved Like Accidents ,Burnt of motor vehicle or stolen This cover provided in order to keep the insured peace of mind on the occurrence of events

Types of Motor Insurance cover /Policy

Here in Tanzania There is Two main Types  of motor insurance policy cover which Recognized by Tanzania Regulation Authority -TIRA Which Are Comprehensive (Large cover) and third part

Comprehensive Cover

This is large cover other people call it Bima kubwa  which cover Both side third part (person you may cause An Accident ) with side of insured for example when you knock someone with your motor vehicle this policy will cover the hospital expenses of injured person and insured person or if your motor vehicle got Damaged due to an Accidents will be coverd

Third part Insurance

This is the kind of Insurance other name called small insurance in swahili means Bima ndogo this Deal only with third part (Mtu wa tatu uliyemsababishia ajali) this means if your motor vehicle course  an Accidents thi cover will deal only with someone you coursed him or their properties to be Damaged.

Download Motor Vehicles Insurance 3rd Party Risks Act PDF

Uses of Motor vehicle Matter in Cover issueing

Either for Private use or Commercial use is the things hich matter on offering inurance policy

Tanzania Insurance Regulatory Authority TIRA MIS

TIRA MIS is a portal that manages motor insurance stickers and their respective cover notes. Using this Portal, an insurer, broker and agent is able to complete and submit information regarding motor insurance sticker and its cover note issued at a particular time on-line. Moreover, all stakeholders are able to verify the issued stickers and respective cover notes on-line by clicking the link “Validate Motor Insurance Sticker” OR Sending a short message to 15200 with a word STICKER followed by MOTOR INSURANCE STICKER NUMBER (e.g. STICKER 8829537).

kwenda 15200 (Mfano: STIKA 8829537).

 Hakiki Hati ya Bima|Validate Insurance Cover Note

Validation Information
Please enter motor vehicle registration number in the text field and press validate button, the motor vehicle insurance cover information will be shown.