Why Print Media seems to lose its support over Electronic Media


Why Print Media seems to lose its support over Electronic Media

Why Print Media seems to lose its support over Electronic Media We discuss why print media appears to be losing ground to electronic media on this page. The large print media conglomerates throughout the world have seen a massive collapse as a result of digital advances in the last 20 years. Making use of the advantages that electronic media offers, many print media organizations were either compelled to permanently close their doors or reduce their printing activities.

Difference between Print and Electronic Media

  • Print Media – this is a traditional form of media, often known as paper-based media communication – printed publications. Examples of print media are: newspapers, journals, magazines, and books
  • Electronic Media – this is a modern type of media that uses screens, digital devices, and radiofrequency. Examples of this would be: television, radio, computers, mobile phones, tablets

6 Reasons Why Print Media seems to lose its support over Electronic Media

6 Reasons Why Print Media seems to lose its support over Electronic Media
6 Reasons Why Print Media seems to lose its support over Electronic Media
  1. Print media users cant engage with the content, while electronic media supports and encourages content engagement
  2. Print media is limited to a specific location, while electronic media can be accessed from almost any location.
  3. Print media can be costly to produce, while electronic media can be cheaper .
  4. Print media requires its users to be literate in order to read, while electronic media users can not only read, but listen and watch content
  5. Electronic media content is easy to update and edit even after publishing, while print media content becomes rigid and fixed after printing.
  6. Electronic media can offer live content via streaming, broadcasting and live chat, while print media is unable to offer live content.

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