Why do Cartographers only name some of the contour lines on maps

Why do Cartographers only name some of the contour lines on maps


Why do Cartographers only name some of the contour lines on maps

Why do Cartographers only name some of the contour lines on maps Why do you suppose that only certain of the contour lines on maps have names? On this page, we learn the reason for that. Only some of the contour lines on maps are given names by cartographers or map makers for a variety of reasons.

Reasons Why do Cartographers only name some of the contour lines on maps

These include:

  1. Clarity: Naming too many contour lines can make a map appear cluttered and difficult to read. By only naming certain lines, the map remains easy to understand and interpret.
  2. Scale: The scale of a map determines how much detail can be included. On large-scale maps, more contour lines can be named, whereas on small-scale maps, fewer lines can be named.
  3. Importance: Some contour lines are more important than others in terms of providing information about the terrain. For example, on a topographic map, the index contour lines (usually every fifth line) are more important than the intermediate lines.
  4. Space: Cartographers have to use a limited space to put the information needed, thus they only put the most important information.

Video Lesson: Contour Map / Topographic Map Reading

Examples of when contour lines are named on maps include:

  1. Topographic maps, which typically name the index contour lines (every fifth line) to indicate changes in elevation.
  2. Maps of mountainous or hilly areas, where contour lines are used to indicate steep gradients and mountain peaks.
  3. Maps of coastlines, where contour lines are used to indicate changes in elevation and the presence of cliffs or other features.

In summary, cartographers only name some of the contour lines on maps to keep the map clear, readable, and to highlight the most important information about the terrain. This helps users to easily understand the information on the map and make necessary decision accordingly.

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