What is meiosis Grade 12 Life Sciences Notes with Activities Questions and Answers


What is meiosis Grade 12 Life Sciences Notes with Activities Questions and Answers


What is meiosis Grade 12 Life Sciences Notes with Activities Questions and Answers Meiosis is a type of cell division whereby a diploid cell (somatic cell) undergoes two cell divisions, and divides to form four dissimilar haploid cells (sex cells). Diploid cells have two sets of chromosomes, where each chromosome has a homologous partner. Haploid cells only have one set of chromosomes. Chromosomes in haploid cells have no homologous partners.

Before meiosis begins (during interphase), DNA replication takes place. The result is two sets of chromosomes consisting of two identical chromatids joined together with a centromere.

Before meiosis
  • Before cell divides, the chromatin network contracts
  • Becomes visible as an individual chromosome
  • Each chromosome consists of:
    • DNA molecule that makes up genes
    • Wrapped around proteins

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