Using Visual Aids Notes and Exam Questions Business Studies Grade 12

Using Visual Aids Notes and Exam Questions Business Studies Grade 12


Using Visual Aids Notes and Exam Questions Business Studies Grade 12

Using Visual Aids Notes and Exam Questions Business Studies Grade 12 Students in grade 12 use the exercises and fun quizzes on this page to learn and prepare for revision using Previous Exam questions centered on the theme of employing visual aids. The helpful study materials on this page should be used by every South African grade 12 student who wishes to pass the Business Studies subject with honors.

Education is necessary for everybody. Education is very vital, deprived of education no can lead a good life.
Teaching and learning are the important element in education. The teacher use different approaches and
substantial to teach their students and their active learning. With the passage of time, altered methods and
techniques are entered in the field of education and teacher use different kind of aids to make effective learning.
Visual aids arouse the interest of learners and help the teachers to explain the concepts easily. Visual aids are
those instructional aids which are used in the classroom to encourage students learning process. According to
Burton “Visual aids are those sensory objects or images which initiate or stimulate and support learning”.
Kinder, S. James; describe visual aids as “Visual aids are any devices which can be used to make the learning
experience more real, more accurate and more active”.
Visual aids are tools that help to make an issue or lesson clearer or easier to understand and know (pictures,
models, charts, maps, videos, slides, real objects etc.). There are many visual aids available these days. We may
classify these aids as follows, visual aids are which use sense of vision are called Visual aids. For example :-
models, actual objects, charts, pictures, maps, flannel board, flash cards, bulletin board, chalkboard, slides,
overhead projector etc. Out of these black board and chalk are the commonest ones. The challenges of classroom
instruction increases when prescribed a course to the class while course books (textbooks) are constituted with
too many interactive expertise activities. Most significantly, it has convert a common phenomenon to integrate
textbooks with audio visual aids as additional or supplementary resource for classroom course learning activities.
Visual aids are important in education system. Visual aids are those devices which are used in
classrooms to encourage students learning process and make it easier and interesting. Visual aids are the best
tool for making teaching effective and the best dissemination of knowledge

Using Visual Aids Business Studies Grade 12

How to Pass Business Studies Grade 12 with distinctions

One of the most significant accomplishments in your academic career is passing matric. It provides access to a wide range of post secondary options and employment possibilities. Use our best study advice to complete your matriculation, and you’ll succeed with flying colors.

READ => How to get your matric results step by step

  1. Attend class 
  2. Ask questions 
  3. Make notes 
  4. Study 
  5. Practice 
  6. Study groups 
  7. Extra class 
  8. Motivation 
  9. Complete assessments 
  10. Prepare for the Exams in due time

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