The way forward regarding droughts for the government and the people of South Africa?


The way forward regarding droughts for the government and the people of South Africa?

The way forward regarding droughts for the government and the people of South Africa? The Government’s way forward regarding combating droughts

Did you know that Global warming influences Draughts? Here is the clue:

Warmer temperatures caused by Global Warming enhance evaporation, which reduces surface water and dries out soils and vegetation. And this is what is called draught.

Agri SA Initiatives and Funding

As a major role-player in agriculture, Agri SA has been very active and vocal since August 2015 because of the disastrous effect of the El Niño phenomenon. A task team was established to manage all matters related to the drought. A drought relief fund was also launched and the national and provincial network of Agri SA was activated to assist with the distribution of fodder and humanitarian aid to drought-stricken areas.

The Paris Agreement against Global Warming

Apart from Agri SA, the South African government’s plans also include the task of balancing the acceleration of economic growth and transformation with the sustainable use of environmental resources and responding to climate change. This is all part of what is termed the Paris Agreement. On 13 December 2015, 195 nations reached a historic agreement at the 21st Conference of the Parties (CoP 21) held in Paris under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), now known popularly as the Paris Agreement (UN, 2015). The Paris Agreement commits all countries to contribute to an ambitious global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goal, and associated global goals for finance and adaptation, communicated through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) (UN, 2015).


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