The Debates concerning the Day of Reconciliation


The Debates concerning the Day of Reconciliation

The Debates concerning the Day of Reconciliation Welcome to The Debates concerning the Day of Reconciliation South Africa Informative Article In this Post you will Get to know how is the day of reconciliation celebrated,bibliography of the day of reconciliation, why do we celebrate day of reconciliation in south africa,when was the day of reconciliation first celebrated,what is the brief history linked to the day of reconciliation.

On this page, we examine the discussions surrounding South Africa’s Day of Reconciliation. The legality and advantages of the 16 December Day of Reconciliation are the subject of several relevant and divergent discussions when considering the current state of South Africa. While some think the day of reconciliation serves no discernible purpose, others are of the opinion that it actually has noble objectives.


What is the brief history linked to the day of reconciliation

South Africa observes The Day of Reconciliation as a national holiday every year on December 16. Following the end of apartheid, the holiday was established in 1995 with the goal of promoting peace and harmony among all South Africans. The date was picked because it has importance for both black African and Afrikaner traditions. Because the government understood the importance of racial unity, it picked a day that had significance for both ethnic groups. The Day of Reconciliation can be observed by marching, honoring veterans’ accomplishments, remembering the past, and participating in other celebrations.

The Day of the Vow, which was observed in remembrance of the Voortrekker triumph against the Zulus at the Battle of Blood River on December 16, 1838, is the genesis of the festival among Afrikaners. The day has special meaning for Africans since it was the day the African National Congress (ANC) founded the more militant Umkhonto we Sizwe on 16 December 1961, as well as a day of nonviolent rallies against racial injustice. In order to work toward repairing the harm caused by apartheid, Nelson Mandela and the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission selected a day that was significant to both of the nation’s ethnic groupings.

Sources of Debates

For many South African, the Day of Reconciliation serves as a reminder of the miles we traveled in terms of striving to attain human rights for every South African citizen. However, there are those that believe that the day of reconciliation is redundant and serves no purpose, because of the following reasons:

  • There is still a great inequality between white and black.
  • Poverty is still rife in the black communities in the new South Africa despite the freedom and the reconciliation which took place.
  • Black people still own almost no land as compared to white people
  • Reconciliation serves no purpose if it doesn’t empower the victims

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