The birth of shaka poem questions and answers


The birth of shaka poem questions and answers


The Birth of Shaka

by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali
His baby cry
was of a cub
tearing the neck
of the lioness
because he was fatherless.

The gods
boiled his blood
in a clay pot of passion
to course in his veins.

His heart was shaped into an ox shield
to foil every foe.

Ancestors forged
his muscles into
thongs as tough
as water bark
and nerves
as sharp as
syringa thorns.

His eyes were lanterns
that shone from the dark valleys of Zululand
to see white swallows
coming across the sea.
His cry to two assassin brothers:

“Lo! you can kill me
but you’ll never rule this land!”


Refer to the poem The Birth of Shaka by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali and answer the questions below.

  1. Complete the following sentences by using the words provided in the list Write down only the words next to the question number (1.1 – 1.3).

    Downloadable PDF Questions and Answers Memo:vThe Birth of Shaka

    In this poem Shaka, the Zulu king, is (1.1) … . He was a (1.2) … man, but a brave (1.3) …                                (3)

  2. Refer to lines 1 and 2 (“His baby cry/was of a cub …”).
    2.1 Identify the figure of speech used (1)
    2.2 Explain why the poet has used this figure of (2)
  3. Refer to lines 3 and 4 (“tearing the neck/of the lioness”).
    To whom does the word “lioness” refer?                                (1)
  4. Refer to stanza
    4.1 In your own words, explain how the gods created (1)
    4.2 State ONE of Shaka’s characteristics suggested by the use of the words “clay pot”.                                                        (1)
  5. Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence: In line 11, the words “to foil every foe” mean to …
    1. free every prisoner.
    2. betray every enemy.
    3. stop every enemy.
    4. kill every prisoner.                                                             (1)
  6. Refer to lines 12 and 13 (“Ancestors forged his muscles …”).
    What does the use of the word “forged” in these lines tell the reader about Shaka’s physical abilities?                                                                                (2)
  7. Refer to stanza
    Quote TWO separate words to prove that Shaka was both physically and mentally strong.                              (2)
  8. Refer to stanza
    Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? Quote a line to support your answer.
    Shaka could see what was going to happen in the future.      (2)
  9. In the first five stanzas the tone of the speaker shows admiration. Describe the tone in the last stanza (lines 24–25)                                                                          (1)
  10. What, in your view, are the qualities of a good leader?           (2) [19]


1. 1.1.Praised ✓
1.2.Cruel ✓
1.3.Warrior ✓(3)
2.1.Metaphor ✓(1)
2.2.It compares baby Shaka to a lion cub. ✓✓
To show that although Shaka was still a (newborn) baby, but he was already displaying a fierce/ vicious nature. ✓✓
3.Shaka’s mother OR Nandi ✓(1)
4.1They gave him an emotional/ passionate nature.
They used a clay pot to boil his blood. ✓
4.2.He was only human/ fragile/ not perfect. ✓
Like a clay pot, he represented/ contained traditional values.
A clay pot represents strength and could mean that the ancestors/gods made him strong. ✓


5.C / stop every enemy ✓(1)
6.Steel/ metal is normally forged by heating and then shaping it. ✓✓
This tells the reader that Shaka is very strong and has exceptional strength. ✓✓
7.“Tough” ✓, “sharp” ✓(2)
8.True. “His eyes were lanterns” ✓✓(2)
9.It becomes one of sadness. ✓/ It becomes a warning/ threatening/ prophetic/ defiant. ✓(1)
10.A good leader must have vision/ foresight/ must have a good reputation. ✓✓
A good leader must not be concerned about popularity/ must not be afraid of being firm. ✓✓

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