Technology Grade 8 Mini Pat Term 3 Questions and answers pdf


Technology Grade 8 Mini Pat Term 3 Questions and answers pdf

Technology Grade 8 Mini Pat Term 3 Questions and answers pdf Technology Grade 8 Mini Pat Term 3 Questions and Answers Pdf A mine requires a lifting system. This four-week mini-PAT will take place. To prepare for this mini-PAT, create teams. Each team will pose as a firm that specializes in mechanical engineering. Each business will offer to design and build a “mine-lifting system,” also known as “mine shaft headgear.”

The lifting system is used to transport miners both downward and upward. The mined ore is also raised to the surface using it. You must create a model of your lifting mechanism after it has been designed. The model will have a lift cage, a shaft headgear, and a mine winch.

Technology Grade 8 Mini Pat Term 3 Questions and answers pdf Download

Download questions and answers below:

Week by week Guide

Week 1

  • Investigate: Mineshaft headgear and head frames…
  • Investigate: Mine winches.
  • Design: Design brief, specifications and constraints for a mine shaft headgear

Week 2

  • Evaluate: Choose and combine the best ideas
  • Make: Sketch your team’s final design
  • Make: Draw your head frame design
  • Make: Draw your head frame design to scale
  • Make: Draw your head frame design as a 3D isometric projection

Week 3

  • Make: List of materials and budget
  • Make: A model head frame

Week 4

  • Make: Complete your model
  • Communicate: Present your tender
  • Evaluate different tenders



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