SASSA R350 Grant Status Checking Portal 2023/2024


SASSA R350 Grant Status Checking Portal 2023/2024

SASSA R350 Grant Status Checking Portal 2023/2024 Welcome to SASSA R350 Grant Status Checking Portal Here you will get  Complete Guide on How to check SASSA Grant R350 Application Status.

Those who are suffering from the Covid-19 lockdown and are without a source of income greatly value the R350 grant.

According to the Social Security Administration, managing millions of applications put a strain on their systems. Additionally, they have made it possible for those who were turned down to reapply.

Now that Sassa has made their records available online, you can check the status and see if your SRD grant applications were accepted. The fact that applicants can now monitor the status of their COVID-19 SRD grant applications will make them very happy.

You will need your ID number and the phone number used to submit the application before you can check the status of your SASSA R350 Grant online.

How To Check Your SASSA R350 Grant Status

  • The first step to checking on your application is to click on or copy and paste this URL in your browser:
  • Here, you will be able to check the progress of your grant by entering first your ID number and then your cellphone number. If these details are correct you will receive an update on the application.

In this way, applicants can determine whether they are eligible for the grant, whether they do not, and whether they should file an appeal if they believe their application was turned down unfairly.

If the status of your application is not displayed, SASSA has addressed this concern and stated, “Keep in mind that the application system is currently processing millions of applications concurrently. Soon, you’ll be able to see your present status.”

The Special Covid-19 SRD grant, also known as the R350 grant, application period will end in March 2022. In an effort to help poor and vulnerable South Africans who require assistance to meet their most basic needs or the needs of their families while the nation struggles with the effects of Covid-19, the grant has been reinstated.

Every month, all applications will be treated as new ones. To be considered for consideration each month, each applicant would only need to submit their application once.

For More info kindly Visit SASSA Official Website


Originally posted 2023-12-04 16:03:14.

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