National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA) –

National Professional Teachers' Organisation of South Africa -


National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa –

National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa – This Article Contains News ,FaQ and Information About NAPTOSA Like Who does naptosa represent?,What is the purpose of naptosa?,Who can join naptosa?Function and Role of Naptosa ,Contact Details like Website ,email and mobile numbers.


NAPTOSA was registered by the Registrar of Labour Relations as a Trade Union on 1 November 2006 and is the second largest union in the education sector.

Any education sector employee in the Republic of South Africa is eligible for membership of the Union, whether employed in terms of the Employment of Educators Act,1998; the Public Service Act, 1994; by a School Governing Body or by a private school.

NAPTOSA enjoys all the rights of a trade union and is a party to the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) where salaries and conditions of service of general application for the whole public service are negotiated (e.g. general salary increases, pensions, medical assistance, housing, etc.), as well as the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) where matters specific to the education sector are negotiated. In the latter, NAPTOSA, together with SAOU, NATU, PEU, PSA and HOSPERSA, operate under the name of the Combined Trade Union of Autonomous Teachers’ Unions (CTU-ATU).

NAPTOSA’s aim and purpose is to provide a member-centered, efficient and professional service to its members through a corps of more than 80 employees across the country.

NAPTOSA provides an effective communications service to members, offers cutting-edge Professional Development Programmes; employs professional staff to deal with members’ queries and labour matters and has a wide range of structures and forums(Branches, Portfolio Committees, Phase and Principals’ Forums, Conferences etc.) for members to participate in. The union has a dedicated desk at national level to deal with the LSEN and TVET College sectors.

NAPTOSA prides itself on the fact that it is the only education sector union that is truly representative of the demographics of our country. Our strength lies in the diversity of our members. We are bound by a common commitment to professionalism and to educating the youth of South Africa.

If we stand accused of being inclusive then we are happy to plead guilty!

Why join NAPTOSA?

National Professional Teachers Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA) Has several Benefit to be a member here we summarize Ten huge and Heavy Reason to be a Member

National Professional Teachers Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA)
National Professional Teachers Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA)

Congratulations on making the right choice to apply for membership of NAPTOSA. You may either use the Online Application Form or the Hard Copy Application Form

Before completing the relevant application form, please familiarise yourself with NAPTOSA’s   pdf Privacy Notice (293 KB)  .

NAPTOSA Online Application Form

Please select an option to start your application process:

NAPTOSA Online Application Form

Congratulations on making the right choice to apply for membership with NAPTOSA.
Please select an option below to start your application process, or to continue with the hard-copy version.

Please Note the Terms and Conditions below:

Membership subscriptions for 2022 shall be R107.70 (one hundred and seven rands and seventy cents) per member per month. The provisions of section 13(3) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, shall apply in respect of the termination of membership of the union, namely-

  • three (3) months’ written notice to the union and the employer if the member works in the public service, and
  • one (1) month’s written notice to the union and the employer if the member does not work in the public service.

Where a member’s subscriptions are in arrears, the member shall have three calendar months in which to pay the arrears, failing which membership shall be terminated by the Union.

In addition to the membership subscription a member shall also be liable for the payment in the same manner of such other fees as may be prescribed in terms of this Constitution or may be paid by the Union as a levy towards membership by the Union of a federation or any other organisation agreed to by the National Executive Committee.

A member shall be exempt from the payment of the aforesaid membership subscription in respect of any period during which the person is on unpaid leave for thirty or more days up to a maximum of six continuous months.

NAPTOSA Hardcopy Application Forms

Please select the province (below) in which you are employed and complete the membership application form (hard-copy) for that province:

Terms and Conditions:

Membership subscriptions for 2022 is R107.70 (one hundred and seven rands and seventy cents) per member per month. The 2022 annual membership fee for Associate members is R 100, or R150.00, if funeral cover is opted for (information obtainable from your provincial office).

The provisions of section 13(3) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, shall apply in respect of the termination of membership of the union, namely:

  • three (3) months’ written notice to the union and the employer if the member works in the public service, and
  • one (1) month’s written notice to the union and the employer if the member does not work in the public service.

Where a member’s subscriptions are in arrears, the member shall have three calendar months in which to pay the arrears, failing which membership shall be terminated by the Union.

In addition to the membership subscription a member shall also be liable for the payment in the same manner of such other fees as may be prescribed in terms of this Constitution or may be paid by the Union as a levy towards membership by the Union of a federation or any other organisation agreed to by the National Executive Committee.

A member shall be exempt from the payment of the aforesaid membership subscription in respect of any period during which the person is on unpaid leave for thirty or more days up to a maximum of six continuous months.


Physical Address
270 Prince’s Park Avenue
[email protected]


Originally posted 2023-12-05 16:59:00.

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