Matric subjects | How many subjects are there in matric

Matric subjects | How many subjects are there in matric


Matric subjects | How many subjects are there in matric


Matric subjects | How many subjects are there in matric Choosing your matric subjects can be tricky, here is a list of recognized matric subjects and a few tips on how to choose your matric subjects.

Watch the College Principal explain everything you need to know about subject choices for matric.

Recognized subjects

View a list of subjects from the matriculation board recognized for endorsement. That means these subjects are recognized as “university entrance” subjects.

What are high credit subjects in matric?

Higher credit subjects are subjects that have a higher rating when you apply for university. For example, Life Orientation is a low credit subject, which is why some universities don’t include Life Orientation in your APS score, while others will only count half of your Life Orientation mark.

Matric Subjects

How many subjects do you need to pass matric?

Matric students need to take at least 7 subjects. To pass matric, you need to get at least 40% for your home language, 40% for two other subjects and 30% for three others. This is the minimum requirement to pass matric.

Can I pass matric with 5 subjects?

No you cannot pass with only 5 subjects, you can pass matric with 6 subjects if you are doing adult matric. If you are doing your matric in school, you need to pass at least 7 subjects in order to pass matric.

Bachelors Pass, Diploma Pass, Certificate Pass

School matric is when you study your matric through a high school system. Typically, high school students are under 21 years old. Adult matric is done through a College or a Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) college.

To study adult matric you have to be older 21 and you have to have passed your grade 9.

Bachelors Pass

To pass matric with admission to Bachelor’s, you have to:

  • Get at least 40% for your home language
  • At least 50% for four other high credit subjects
  • At least 30% for two other subjects

Diploma Pass

  • At least 40% for your home language
  • At least 40% for three other high credit subjects
  • At least 30% for two other subjects

Higher Certificate Pass

  • At least 40% in your home language
  • At least 40% in two other subjects
  • At least 30% for three other subjects

Subject choices for matric

When you choose your subjects it is important that you think about your future. You have to think about the career or field you want to go into.

If you are not planning on going to university and if your career choice does not need difficult subjects then you can choose subjects that will be easier for you.

Adult matric subjects to choose from

As an adult matric student, you have to take 3 compulsory subjects and choose 3 optional subjects. Students have to choose two languages, one which has to be a home language.

Compulsory subjects

Students have to choose one home language, an additional language and choose between Mathematics and Mathematics Literacy.

  • English Home Language
  • English 1st Additional Language
  • Afrikaans Huistaal (Home Language)
  • Afrikaans 1st Additional Language
  • Other 1st Additional Language
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics Literacy

Optional subjects

Students have to choose 3 subjects from the following

  • Physical Science
  • Life Science
  • CAT (Computer Applications Technology)
  • Accounting
  • Business Studies
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • History

Senior Certificate

What are matric subjects?

The designated National Senior Certificate subjects are:

  • Accounting
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Business Studies
  • Dramatic Arts
  • Economics
  • Engineering Graphics and Design
  • Geography
  • History
  • Consumer Studies
  • Information Technology
  • Languages
  • Life Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Literacy
  • Music
  • Physical Sciences
  • Religion studies
  • Visual Arts

Register to rewrite matric subject

If you are unhappy with your matric results,  there is no need to feel stuck with these results. You can register to rewrite your matric subjects if you want to improve your matric results.

Matric with endorsement, without endorsement or no matric at all

Getting a matric with endorsement means you can study at an institution of higher education. Getting a matric with endorsement basically means you have passed with admission to bachelor’s.

If you did not get matric with endorsement there are still a range of study options for you. There are also courses that you can study without matric.

Choosing the right subjects for matric

In choosing the right subjects for matric, a lot of thought and research should be put into that process. Here are a few points to consider when you are choosing your subjects.

Questions to ask yourself when making your grade 9 subject choice

Which subjects do you enjoy? It is important to ask yourself which subjects you enjoy the most. Do you see yourself studying further in these subjects? What are you passionate about?

You have to do research on the jobs you are interested in, find out which subjects you need to study in order to follow your dream career.

Additional things to consider when choosing your subjects

Getting good results in the subjects you have chosen is very important. If you want to pursue a career that relates to your subjects, then you will need good results in order to get accepted in university.

Maths or maths literacy?

You have to carefully think about which Maths subject you are going to take. Do research on universities to see what their requirements are.

If you struggle with Mathematics, you might want to consider getting extra help like attending extra maths classes or getting a maths tutor.

Register to rewrite matric subjects

Second chance matric Programme

The Second Chance Programme is a Programme that gives support to learners who want to rewrite their matric subjects.

Where to redo matric subjects?

You can register at Matric College to rewrite your matric subjects.

Upgrade matric results

If you are not happy with your matric results you can apply for a matric upgrade at Matric College.

Adult Matric

Matric College offers adult matric to students who have never completed their matric certificate.

Matric rewrite timetable

Access the combined matric exam timetable.


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