How to Highlight Values That Are Greater or Less Than in Microsoft Excel

How to Highlight Values That Are Greater or Less Than in Microsoft Excel


How to Highlight Values That Are Greater or Less Than in Microsoft Excel Highlighting specific sections of a large data set can assist you in gaining valuable insights from the data you’re currently working on. In order to make critical decisions, you might want to highlight values in your Excel documents that are greater or less than a certain number.
In Microsoft Excel, how do you highlight values that are greater or less than?

However, doing it manually is time-consuming and prone to errors. This article explains how conditional formatting can help you with the process.
In Excel, how do you highlight values that are greater or less than?

Highlighting specific values throughout your spreadsheet allows you to quickly find what you’re looking for, making data analysis a breeze. We use conditional formatting in Excel to highlight specific sections of a spreadsheet. The feature, as the name implies, works by allowing you to change the appearance of specific data items if they meet a predefined condition. As a result, they are easier to identify, particularly if you have a large data set.
In Microsoft Excel, how do you highlight values that are greater or less than a specific number?

In Microsoft Excel, follow these steps to highlight values that are greater than a certain number:

Open the Excel sheet whose values you want to emphasize. Drag the mouse over the cells you want to work on to select them.
Click the “Conditional Formatting” menu on the homepage.
Navigate to “Highlight Cells Rules” and choose “Greater Than” or “Less Than” based on the values you want to highlight.
Enter a number greater than or less than the values you want to highlight based on the rule you chose in step 4.
Select the style you want to apply to the highlighted cells from the style presets on the right side of the modal.
To save the changes, click “OK.”

If you made a mistake while creating a rule, or if you simply want to change it slightly, follow these steps:

Choose the cells whose rules you want to modify.
Navigate to “Home,” then “Conditional Formatting,” then “Manage Rules.”
Replace the existing value with a new value by selecting “Edit Rule.”
To change the style of the highlighted cells, click the “Format” button.
Click “OK” to save the rule changes you’ve just made.

In Microsoft Excel, how do you highlight values that are above or below the average?

Here’s how to highlight values in your Excel sheet that are less than a certain threshold:

Open the required Excel sheet. Choose the row, column, or range of cells to work on.
Select “Conditional Formatting” from the ribbon menu.
Select “Top/Bottom Rules,” then “Above Average” or “Below Average,” depending on your requirements.
Choose the style you want to apply to the highlighted cells from the dropdown menu on the right side of the modal.
To save the changes, click “OK.”

The section “Top/Bottom Rules” can also work with a set number of items or a percentage. Using the “Top 10 Items…” option, for example, you can highlight only the top ten values.
How to Use a Formula to Highlight Values Greater Than a Specific Number in Microsoft Excel

While the built-in “Greater Than” and “Less Than” rules make the process simple, using a formula gives you more flexibility and control over the spreadsheet. Furthermore, formulas are a great way to get your creative juices flowing. In Excel, use a formula to highlight values that are greater or less than a user-specified value.

Choose the column whose values you want to emphasize.
Go to “Conditional Formatting” and then “New rule.”
Choose “Use a formula to determine which cells to format” from the rule types.
To automatically generate the address for the first cell in the column, click on it. (You can move the formula modal aside to make more room for the sheet you’re working on.)
Type the “>” symbol followed by a number less than the values you want to highlight next to the generated address. Instead, if you want to highlight values greater than a certain number, use the “” symbol followed by a number greater than the values you want to highlight.
Remove the formula’s second “$” symbol. If the symbol is not removed, the entire column, rather than the cells that meet the predefined condition, will be highlighted. The final formula should be as follows: =$A1>20+$A$5.
Click the “Format” button, then select “Fill” and a color of your choice.

In Microsoft Excel, how do you highlight words that are greater or less than a specific alphabet?

It’s easy to believe that greater and less than rules only apply to numerical values, but this is not the case. For example, if you have a column of words and want to highlight the ones that appear before or after a specific letter (or another word), you can easily do so with conditional formatting. Words that are longer than the benchmark word will appear later in a dictionary, and vice versa. This is how you do it:

Choose the cells that contain the words you want to emphasize.
Go to “Home” and then “Conditional Formatting.”
Go to “Highlight Cells Rules” and choose “Less Than” or “Greater Than” from the menu, depending on your goal.
Enter the letter or word you want to compare it to.

Online Tutorial for Highlighting Greater or Less Than Values in Microsoft Excel

Excel Online is an online version of the desktop application. If you want a copy of your spreadsheet backed up on the internet, the web-based solution is ideal. As a result, your documents are not vulnerable to system failures or hardware malfunctions, which are common when working on a local workstation. Using the online app, highlight values that are greater or less than:

Launch Excel Online.
Create or open the spreadsheet whose values you want to emphasize.
To access the ribbon menu, select “Home” and then click the downward arrow on the left.
Choose the columns whose values you want to emphasize and then click “Conditional Formatting.”
Navigate to “Highlight Cells Rules” and select “Greater Than” or “Less Than” depending on your spreadsheet goals.
Depending on what you selected in step 5, enter a number that is less or greater than the values you want to highlight.
Choose a style from the presets provided in the “Format with” dropdown menu to apply to the highlighted cells. Select “Customized Format” from the menu if you want a unique format.
To save the changes, scroll down the modal and click “Done.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions
Can you use the Microsoft Excel mobile app to highlight greater than or less than values?

The Microsoft Excel mobile app is excellent for viewing and entering data into spreadsheets. However, because the app does not support conditional formatting, highlighting values can be difficult.
In Excel, can you apply multiple rules to a single column?

Yes, you can add as many rules as you want to a single column. Simply select the column and add another rule to accomplish this.
Begin Highlighting Like a Professional

Highlighting values that are greater than or less than in your Excel sheet is a great way to stay organized and on top of important patterns and trends. Fortunately, Excel includes built-in rules that automate the entire process, making it extremely simple. In addition, if you’re good with numbers, you can use a formula instead. Whatever your preference, we hope you can now highlight cells in Excel that are greater than or less than a certain value.

Have you tried highlighting values in your Excel sheet that are greater or less than a specific value? Did you employ a custom formula or an Excel rule? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

VIDEO:Excel Formatting Tip 6 – Highlight Cells Greater Than or Less Than a Certain Value in Excel 2007


Originally posted 2023-12-03 13:58:25.

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