How to correct your wrong subject choice in Grade 10


How to correct your wrong subject choice in Grade 10

How to correct your wrong subject choice in Grade 10 We’ll explain how to change your Grade 10 subject selection on this page. There are certain factors to be aware of with regard to curriculum modifications and selections in high school. Perhaps you made a mistake in your subject selection and want to make it right.

Few things you should know before changing a subject

Choosing, as well as changing your subjects should be based on your long-term career vision.

  1. Changing a subject should not be based on emotions. You should get an advice first from your teacher and parents to see if changing a subject is the right option for you.
  2. A learner may change a maximum of two subjects in Grade 10 and Grade 11.
  3. No subject changes will be allowed in the Grade 12 year from 2017 onwards.

How to correct your wrong subject choice in Grade 10

Correcting your wrong subject at Grade 10 is possible, but you need to be 100% sure about your decision. The process of changing subjects in Grade 10 may vary from school to school, however, below are the standard procedures to follow in order to correct wrong subject choice in Grade 10:

  1. Teacher’s role: Early identification of learners in Grade 10 and 11 for subject changes is very important. The subject teachers must identify the learners at risk for subject changes and inform parents in writing.
  2. The parent’s role: The parent/guardian must apply for the subject change in writing to the principal.
  3. The Principle’s role: The principal will consult with the learner, the parent/guardian and the subject teacher and consensus must be reached on whether it is in the best interests of the learner to change a subject. All subject changes for Grades 10 to 11 will be approved by the principal and captured on CEMIS.
  4. Signing of agreement: After proper consultation and after an agreement has been reached, the principal, parent and subject teacher must sign a memorandum of agreement, indicating that the subject change is being made in the best interests of the learner.


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