How community needs and Socio-economic factors influence choice of a career

How community needs and Socio-economic factors influence choice of a career


How community needs and Socio-economic factors influence choice of a career

How community needs and Socio-economic factors influence choice of a career On this page, we’ll critically examine how your profession decision may be influenced by community needs, which are influenced by socioeconomic issues. The socioeconomic conditions, such as high unemployment rates, poverty, social inequality, and limited access to public services, are what cause the needs in communities.

Your options for a career are only constrained by the range of occupations in your town that you are aware of, as well as by your socioeconomic situation. For instance, you wouldn’t decide to become a “User Experience Designer” if you weren’t aware of the requirements and existence of such a vocation. You must have heard others praise the profession or seen examples of their work in order to develop an interest in becoming a user experience designer.

How community needs and Socio-economic factors influence choice of a career

  1. High unemployment rates – where there is a high unemployment rate, career choices are limited. Why? Because some careers might not even exist, or viewed as insignificant. Therefore, it is easy to choose the popular, yet limitted available careers
  2. Poverty – where there is povery, career choices are limitted. Poverty makes people desparate to choose the immediately available jobs that offer immediate rewards.
  3. Social inequalities – Gender as well as racial inequalities significantly influence the career choices. For example, some jobs in certain sectors such as Engineering, may be viewd as jobs for men. While jobs such as Nursing, and Pre-school Teachers may be viewed as for females. Racial inequality may also create the impression that some jobs are for white people, and not for blacks.

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One of the most significant accomplishments in your academic career is passing matric. It provides access to a wide range of post secondary options and employment possibilities. Use our best study advice to complete your matriculation, and you’ll succeed with flying colors.

  1. Attend class 
  2. Ask questions 
  3. Make notes 
  4. Study 
  5. Practise 
  6. Study groups 
  7. Extra class 
  8. Motivation 
  9. Complete assessments 
  10. Prepare for the Exams in due time

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