How can social justice help fight lack of basic services in South Africa

How can social justice help fight lack of basic services in South Africa


How can social justice help fight lack of basic services in South Africa

How can social justice help fight lack of basic services in South Africa How might social justice help South Africa combat the shortage of basic services? Social justice may, and will, aid in the fight against social problems in South Africa. Yet how? By giving society equal opportunities to solve its problems, I suppose.

Reasons why social justice help fight lack of basic services in South Africa

Below are some of the reasons why social justice help fight lack of basic services in South Africa:

  • Access to resources is limited in rural areas as people live far apart and this makes it difficult to offer improved services
  • HIV/Aids is a major problem as people get sick and then return to family in rural areas, which place an increased burden on the limited income of the family and the limited health resources in rural areas.
  • Land reform is necessary in South Africa inequalities exist due to apartheid legislation of the past which prevented all people to own land.
  • Land reform – equitable distribution of landownership by changing laws about ownership of land
    • Land redistribution – some agricultural land must be bought and given to black owners by the state
    • Land restitution – return of land to people who fell victim to forced removals
    • Land tenure reform – to secure the residential rights of people living on the land of other people

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