How can Droughts be Triggered by Physical (Natural) Conditions in South Africa

How can Droughts be Triggered by Physical (Natural) Conditions in South Africa


How can Droughts be Triggered by Physical (Natural) Conditions in South Africa

How can Droughts be Triggered by Physical (Natural) Conditions in South Africa Droughts frequently plague South Africa, having a major impact on the country’s nature and economy. These droughts are primarily brought on by a number of physical or natural factors, such as climate variability, shifts in sea surface temperatures, changes in terrain, and shifts in land cover.

How can Droughts be Triggered by Physical (Natural) Conditions in South Africa

Below, we will explore how these natural conditions can initiate droughts in South Africa:

Climate Variability

One of the primary natural causes of drought in South Africa is climate variability. The region’s climate is greatly influenced by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), an irregular periodic variation in winds and sea surface temperatures over the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean. ENSO events have two phases: El Niño, which often leads to drought conditions in Southern Africa, and La Niña, which can cause increased rainfall.

During El Niño years, the trade winds weaken or even reverse, preventing the upwelling of cool, nutrient-rich water off the coast of Peru. This alters global atmospheric circulation, disrupting the rainfall patterns worldwide, including South Africa. These disruptions can lead to decreased rainfall over many parts of South Africa, increasing the risk of drought.

Sea Surface Temperature Changes

Sea surface temperature changes in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans can influence rainfall patterns in South Africa. The warmer the sea surface temperatures, the higher the evaporation rate, contributing to increased moisture in the atmosphere. However, this doesn’t always translate to more rainfall. Complex ocean-atmosphere interactions can sometimes result in changes in the location and intensity of rainfall, potentially leading to drought conditions in certain areas.


South Africa’s diverse topography also contributes to its vulnerability to drought. The country is characterized by a central plateau, ringed by the Great Escarpment, and coastal plains. This varied topography influences the distribution of rainfall. Areas at higher altitudes, like the Drakensberg range, tend to receive more rainfall due to orographic lift, whereas lower-lying areas, particularly in the western and interior regions, are more susceptible to drought due to less rainfall.

Land Cover Changes

Land cover changes, such as deforestation and changes in vegetation cover due to human activities, can also influence drought conditions. Vegetation plays a vital role in the water cycle by intercepting rainfall, utilizing water through evapotranspiration, and facilitating infiltration into the soil. When there is significant vegetation loss, the ground’s ability to retain water diminishes, leading to a higher rate of evaporation and surface runoff, thus increasing drought susceptibility.


In South Africa, droughts are complicated occurrences that are impacted by a wide range of environmental factors. Different levels of drought are present across the nation as a result of the interaction of several elements, including climate variability, variations in sea surface temperatures, terrain, and changes in land cover. For the purpose of creating efficient drought monitoring and mitigation methods, it is essential to understand these triggers. Robust, adaptive measures are urgently needed to manage the danger of future drought in South Africa because it is anticipated that climate change will further modify these natural conditions.


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