Grade 9 Natural Science Questions and Answers 2022


Grade 9 Natural Science Questions and Answers 2022

Grade 9 Natural Science Questions and Answers 2022 Natural science grade 9 term 3; In various school systems, ninth grade, freshman year, or grade 9 is the ninth year of school instruction. In the United States, ninth grade is frequently the first year of high school or the final year of middle/junior high school. Grade 9 is the second year of high school in several nations.

Natural science is a branch of science concerned with the description, explanation, and prediction of natural events based on empirical evidence obtained via observation and investigation. natural science instances Physics is an example of natural science. noun. 5. A science that deals with the things, phenomena, or laws of nature and the physical world, such as biology, chemistry, or physics.

Grade 9 Natural Science: Multiple-Choice Questions

The primary energy source used in Eskom power plants is….

  • A natural gas.
  • B uranium.
  • C coal.
  • D oil.

Correct Answer: C coal

In the diagram below, which number represents the cable that discharges the fault current to the ground? 

  • A 2
  • B 3
  • C 4
  • D 5

Correct Answer: B

Which one of the following groups of sources of energy is sustainable and has a very small negative impact on the environment? 

  • A Sun-heated steam, waves in the sea and wind.
  • B Coal, nuclear fuel and wind.
  • C Earth oil, hydroelectric power and wave power.
  • D Solar energy, coal and falling water.

Correct Answer: A

… may cause burns, cancer and gene mutation if the skin is exposed to it due to its radioactive nature. 

  • A Coal
  • B Falling water
  • C Steam
  • D Nuclear waste

Correct Answer: D

Grade 9 Electric Circuits Questions

Study circuits A, B, C and D and answer questions. All bulbs and cells are identical.

grade 9 circuits
  • Which circuit has the highest resistance? (1) Answer: D
  • In circuit B, what is the component that is circled? (1) Answer: Battery
  • What is the purpose of the component circled? (1) Answer: It is a source of (electrical) energy.
  • What is the voltage of each bulb in circuit D? (2) Answer: 1,5 ÷ 3 = 0,5 V
  • In which circuit will the bulb/bulbs be the brightest? (1)Answer:  B

Mention factors that can influence the resistance of a resistor.


  • Temperature of the resistor.
  • Type of a resistor.
  • Thickness of the resistor.
  • Length of the resistor.

Study the circuit diagram below and answer the questions that follow. Each cell has a potential difference of 1,5 V. The resistance of bulb S is R and the resistance of bulb T is 4R.

Screenshot 2022 11 23 at 10.34.46
  • In which way are bulbs S and T connected? (1) Answer: Parallel
  • What is the reading on voltmeter V1? (2) Answer: V1 = 3 x 1,5= 4,5 V
  • What is the reading on voltmeter V3? (1) Answer: 4,5
  • Which bulb will glow the brightest? S or T? (1) Answer: S
  • What will happen to the reading on ammeter A1 if bulb T is switched off? (1) Answer: Reading on A1 will decrease.
    • Explain your answer  Answer: If T is switched off, there are less resistors in parallel, therefore the total resistance in the circuit will increase, and the total current will decrease.


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