Geography Grade 12: the difference between rural and urban climates


Geography Grade 12: the difference between rural and urban climates

Geography Grade 12: the difference between rural and urban climates Exam review questions and answers for the subject of geography at the 12th grade level, focusing on the dissimilarities between rural and urban environments.

Questions – Geography Grade 12: the difference between rural and urban climates

the difference between rural and urban climates exam revision questions and answers

The climatic element illustrated in the sketch is (wind/temperature)

Answer: Temperature

Explain how the different shapes and density of buildings (in the sketch) contribute to the city having higher temperatures


  • Tall buildings cause the sun’s rays to be reflected and deflected between the buildings
  • Large surface areas of buildings absorb more of the sun’s rays
  • Density of buildings ensures that the heat remains closer to the earth’s surface

In a paragraph of approximately EIGHT lines, explain how urban planners could put strategies in place regarding the shapes and density of buildings in order to reduce the higher temperatures


  • Paint buildings in lighter colours e.g. white to increase reflection of heat
  • Planting gardens on roof tops will cool temperatures
  • Buildings should be eco-friendly (green)
  • Future land use planning (buildings) should coincide with prevailing wind directions to cool cities
  • Decentralise commercial activities to reduce building density
  • Decrease building height to reduce heat trapped by buildings
  • Decrease building density to reduce heat near surface
  • Filters in chimneys of buildings to reduce air pollution


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