Four strategies students can use to prevent dropping out from a university prematurely


Four strategies students can use to prevent dropping out from a university prematurely

Four strategies students can use to prevent dropping out from a university prematurely On this page, we’ll go over four techniques you can employ to make sure you don’t leave school early as a student. The world of college might be challenging for freshmen coming out of grade 12. Because of this, some children will decide to leave school early (before they get their degree qualification).

It is quite regrettable that some students would leave a university because they are unable to fulfill the financial requirements set by the institution (tuition fee, accommodation fee, pocket money, transport money, allowance, etc). But there are other factors that contribute to dropouts besides money problems. In general, university life is extremely different because students must leave their homes and must:


  • be fully independent,
  • creating new social cycles,
  • study and learn indipendently
  • rediscover themselves
  • manage finances independently

Apart from the above mentioned challenges, some students unintentionally choose the types of qualification which they will eventually hate. Either students were forced to choose those qualifications, or they choose qualifications that are difficult for them.

This amount of change can overwhelm many students and they may want to go revert to the previous life they are accustomed to. However, there are four strategies that students can use to prevent dropping out from a university prematurely.

Four strategies students can use to prevent dropping out

#One: Choose the right course

Do some proper research regarding the careers that you would like to pursue. You should choose the careers that you have a deep interest in. The career that you choose to pursue after high school should fall within your means and abilities. For example, you cant choose to be a pilot if you hate mathematics and science. I identify at least three options that you are willing to give a try.

#Two: Financing your studies

Did you know that in South Africa there are a variety of financial aid options available to you to further your studies? There are bursaries (NSFAS and other bursaries), learnerships, scholarships, internships, and apprenticeships. You can also finance yourself independently depending on your background. Whichever financial option you choose, you will need to apply way in advance to increase your chances of obtaining the funds.

#Three: Time Management

The tertiary world rewards best time managers, people who know there is time for everything: studies, socializing, exercising, and time to think and focus. Remember that the main reason for you to go to a university is to obtain your qualification and build a career. Therefore, studies should be prioritised. You should give yourself more time to study in a day.

4 techniques to manage your time better at varsity:

  • Be intentional about time management by keeping a to-do list
  • Prioritise and rank your tasks from top to bottom
  • Be focused and avoid distractionsm such as (social media, televition, friends and noise)
  • Track your self to see if you are still on track of productivity.

#Four: Take a Gap Year when necessary

If you have passed Grade 12, and are not entirely sure about what to study, where you want to study, how you want to study and why you want to study, then you should take a gap year. However, you must remember that a gap year is not just about taking a year off from life and do as you wish. If you want the gap year period to benefit you, you will need to plan and explore your options. After your gap year, you should feel fulfilled and you should have learned something about yourself, life and the opportunities that exist. Questions to ask yourself if you are thinking of a gap year include the following:

  1. Do I want to spend my gap year locally or overseas?
  2. Where would I want to go?
  3. How will I get there?
  4. How much will it cost?
  5. Am I going to work?
  6. Do I need insurance?
  7. What do I need to sort out before I go?


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