Four benefits of the youth participation in community and substance abuse campaigns


Four benefits of the youth participation in community and substance abuse campaigns

Four benefits of the youth participation in community and substance abuse campaigns Four advantages of youth involvement in community and anti-substance addiction efforts are listed on this page: Life Orientation for Grade 12.

What are “Campaigns“?

Campaigns are usually defined as the movements, drives or crusades that push, fight or advocate for an issue. Some campaigns are useful, necessary and contribute positively to a democratic society e.g. Mandela day campaign, Right2Know campaign while others are not helpful e.g. where some media start a campaign to humiliate a politician or celebrity for personal reason.

Four benefits of the youth participation in community and substance abuse campaigns

There are many benefits that the youth can enjoy when they are actively participate in community campaigns aimed at stoping substance abuse within the community, such as:

  • Sensitising / making the youth aware of the effects of usage of drugs
  • To help the youth see the link between crime and drug usage
  • To stop crime and substance abuse in the community
  • To refer victims of substance abuse for professional help


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