Evolution Grade 12 Term 3 Revision Notes: Life Sciences


Evolution Grade 12 Term 3 Revision Notes: Life Sciences

Evolution Grade 12 Term 3 Revision Notes: Life Sciences Since numerous evolution-related hypothese have been investigated and proven true throughout time, the theory of evolution has been refined over many years by numerous scientists. As a result, it is now acknowledged as a scientific theory.

What is Evolution?

Simply said, evolution is the study of change over time. The process of evolution describes how organisms change over time from earlier forms. Any genetic alteration in a population that is passed down through generations and eventually becomes a defining trait of that population is referred to as biological evolution.

Watch Video Lesson: Evolution: Life Sciences Grade 12

Key Terminologies in Evolution Section for Grade 12 Learners to know

  • biological evolution: any genetic change in a population that is inherited over several generations
  • biological species: a group of organisms with similar characteristics that interbreed with one another to produce fertile offspring
  • population: a group of individuals of the same species occupying a particular habitat
  • punctuated equilibrium: evolution characterised by long periods of little or no change followed by short periods of rapid change
  • natural selection: mechanism of evolution – organisms survive if they have characteristics that make them suited to the environment
  • artificial selection: human-driven selective force, e.g. breeding of plants and animals to produce desirable traits
  • inbreeding: mating of individuals that are closely related
  • outbreeding: mating of individuals that are not closely related
  • speciation: the formation of a new species
  • geographic speciation: formation of a new species when the parent population separated by a geographical barrier

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