Drawbacks that campaigners should avoid for Social Media campaigns against human rights violations​


Drawbacks that campaigners should avoid for Social Media campaigns against human rights violations​

Drawbacks that campaigners should avoid for Social Media campaigns against human rights violations​ On this page, we learn about and talk about the pitfalls that activists should stay clear of while running an effective social media campaign against human rights abuses. Human rights breaches (including gender violence, discrimination, and bullying) are such delicate subjects that prudence is advised. These are the problems that tend to make people feel bad. Campaigners should make sure they receive direction and instruction before launching social media campaigns on such delicate topics in order to avoid problems and unintentional negative effects.

Possible Drawbacks of a Social Media Campaigns

A campaign aimed against human rights violations may itself turn into human rights violations if not handled properly. Possible drawbacks from such Social Media Campaigns are as follows:

  • Violation of human privacy
  • Cyberbullying
  • Discrimination
  • Criminal charges laid against the campaign

What Campaigners should avoid on Social Media

  • avoid satisfying the interests of advertisers (if any) in the public expenses.
  • avoid trying to entertain (through gossip, scandals, and violence) rather than informing the audience.
  • avoid invading the privacy of victims or other people
  • avoid exaggerating the issues at hand and making people afraid for no reason.
  • avoid being biased by ensuring that you know the facts
  • avoid being selective in your approach and give people the whole context regarding the issues at hand.

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