Discuss how stress negatively affects your academic performance


Discuss how stress negatively affects your academic performance

Discuss how stress negatively affects your academic performance We’ll talk about how stress impairs your academic performance on this page. Although some students may benefit from stress, stress generally has a detrimental impact on students’ academic performance.

What is stress

Stress is our body’s response to pressure. Many different situations or life events can cause stress. It is often triggered when we experience something new, unexpected or that threatens our sense of self, or when we feel we have little control over a situation.

Physical effects of stress

Stree is linked to a number of physical discomfort and deterioration of health in a human. When you have too much stress in your life, it can start to manifest itself in external ways. How stress affects the body varies from person to person, but the common physical effects of stress are:

  • Low energy levels
  • Headaches
  • Stomachaches and nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Chest pains
  • Frequent colds or other illnesses
  • Shaking or sweating hands

How Stress negatively affect students’ academic performance

Stress is the number one reported impediment to academic performance.

  • Stress is the number one reported impediment to academic performance.
  • 6 in 10 college students report having felt so stressed they couldn’t get their work done on one or more occasions.
  • Many of the emotional and physical symptoms that occur commonly in the college population, such as headaches, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and the inability to cope, can be attributed to or exacerbated by stress.
  • Negative physical effects of stress include immune system suppression, which can increase susceptibility to physical illness and psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression.
  • Students who engaged in meditation practices demonstrated significantly greater reductions in perceived stress than students who did not.

How to Pass Life Orientation (LO)  Grade 12 with distinctions

One of the most significant accomplishments in your academic career is passing matric. It provides access to a wide range of post secondary options and employment possibilities. Use our best study advice to complete your matriculation, and you’ll succeed with flying colors.

  1. Attend class 
  2. Ask questions 
  3. Make notes 
  4. Study 
  5. Practise 
  6. Study groups 
  7. Extra class 
  8. Motivation 
  9. Complete assessments 
  10. Prepare for the Exams in due time

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