Difference Between Cyberbullying and Cybersavvy

Difference Between Cyberbullying and Cybersavvy


Difference Between Cyberbullying and Cybersavvy

Difference Between Cyberbullying and Cybersavvy Cyberbullying and cyber savvy are two distinct notions related to digital use.

Cyber bullying is the intentional and repeated use of technology to harass, humiliate, threaten, or intimidate someone. Cyber bullying can occur on social media, instant messaging, email, or any other digital platform. It can take many forms, such as spreading rumors, sharing embarrassing photos or videos, cyberstalking, and trolling. Cyber bullying can have serious negative effects on the mental health and well-being of victims.

Cyber savvy, on the other hand, refers to the ability to use technology effectively and safely. Cyber savvy individuals understand digital privacy, security, and etiquette. They know how to protect their personal information and avoid scams and phishing attacks. They also know how to communicate appropriately on social media and other digital platforms. Being cyber savvy is an important skill for navigating the digital world, especially for children and young adults.

The Different

The key distinction between cyberbullying and cybersavviness is the nature and impact of each. Cyberbullying is a negative and harmful behavior in which people use digital means to injure others, whereas cyber savvy is a good and valuable skill set that encourages safe, responsible, and effective internet use.

The two ideas are linked in the sense that boosting cyber savvy can aid in the fight against cyberbullying. We can lessen the occurrence and impact of cyberbullying by teaching internet users, particularly young people, about the potential perils of the online world and equipping them with the tools to navigate these dangers.

Furthermore, cyber savvy entails comprehending the ramifications of one’s online actions, particularly the potential harm caused by cyberbullying. A cyber-savvy individual is less likely to engage in cyberbullying and more likely to intervene when such behavior is observed.

Here are the differences between cyberbullying and cyber savviness summarized in a list format:

  1. Nature of the Concepts:
    • Cyberbullying involves the misuse of digital tools to harm, harass, threaten, or embarrass individuals intentionally and repeatedly.
    • Cyber savviness refers to the knowledge and skills needed to use digital tools safely, responsibly, and effectively.
  2. Effects:
    • Cyberbullying can lead to severe emotional distress, psychological harm, and in extreme cases, self-harm or suicide.
    • Cyber savviness empowers users to protect their personal information, recognize online scams and threats, and make informed decisions about their online presence.
  3. Targets/Practitioners:
    • Cyberbullies are individuals who exploit the anonymity and vast reach of the internet to inflict harm on others.
    • A cyber-savvy person understands the potential dangers of the digital world and knows how to mitigate these risks.
  4. Outcome:
    • Cyberbullying contributes to a hostile, harmful, and unsafe online environment.
    • Cyber savviness promotes positive and responsible digital citizenship, fostering a safer and more respectful online community.
  5. Interplay:
    • Promoting cyber savviness can reduce the incidence and impact of cyberbullying.
    • A cyber-savvy person is less likely to engage in cyberbullying and more likely to intervene when they witness such behavior.
  6. Goal:
    • The goal of cyberbullying is to cause harm to others using digital tools.
    • The goal of cyber savviness is to use digital tools effectively while maintaining personal safety and respecting the rights of others.

While both cyberbullying and cybersavviness are related to the digital realm, they are diametrically opposed aspects of online activity. One shows the intentional and responsible use of digital tools to hurt others, while the other exemplifies the intentional and responsible use of same means for personal and social gain. Promoting cyber savvy is an effective method for combating cyberbullying and contributing to a more secure, courteous online environment.

In short, cyber bullying involves malicious behavior that causes harm, while cyber savvy involves skillful and safe use of technology.


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