Describing how the social and environmental responsibility could help to fight poverty

Describing how the social and environmental responsibility could help to fight poverty


Describing how the social and environmental responsibility could help to fight poverty

Describing how the social and environmental responsibility could help to fight poverty describing how environmental and social responsibility could aid in the fight against poverty. Because economic activity thrives in a stable society with a favorable environmental condition, social and environmental responsibility can help battle poverty.

Environmental social responsibility takes into account issues affecting people, the environment, and the bottom line that result in long-term competitive advantage. Organizations can satisfy the requirements of the present without compromising their ability to meet the needs of the future by establishing socially responsible and sustainable employment policies.

Social Responsibilities that fight poverty

Social responsibility means that businesses, in addition to maximizing shareholder value, must act in a manner that benefits society. Social responsibility has become increasingly important to investors and consumers who seek investments that are not just profitable but also contribute to the welfare of society and the environment. There are a number of social responsibility initiatives that can contribute to fighting poverty in the society, such as:

  • Improving labor policies that reward employees more
  • Participating in fairtrade that incourage small businesses to also grow
  • Charitable giving to the poors
  • Volunteering in the community to do meaningful work for free.

Environmental Responsibilities taht fight poverty

  • Implement corporate policies that benefit the environment, which in turn, ensures longevity of the business. Thus, more people still stay employed as the business runs.
  • Socially and environmentally conscious investments aimed at growing the business while empowering communities. Example: planting more trees
  • Waste and recycling in a way that financially rewards citizens of communities

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