Dance Studies Grade 12 Practical Assessment Tasks (PAT) for 2023 and previous years


Dance Studies Grade 12 Practical Assessment Tasks (PAT) for 2023 and previous years

Dance Studies Grade 12 Practical Assessment Tasks (PAT) for 2023 and previous years Dance Studies Grade 12 Practical Assessment Tasks (PAT) for the current and past years may be found on this website (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019). If feasible, memorandam from prior PATs are given.

The Structure and Answer Guide for Dance Studies Grade 12 Practical Assessment Tasks

Below is the structure that Grade 12 Dance Studies  students should follow:

The PAT is a compulsory component of the final Grade 12 FET promotion mark.
Failure to complete the PAT will result in an incomplete/not resulted mark at the end of the year.

Guidance to manage the PAT

  • In the case of large numbers of Grade 12 dance learners, the teacher is at liberty to place learners in groups of 3–6.
  • If choreographing in a group, learners provide one choreographic work with all members of the group contributing towards this work.
  • If there are only 1 or 2 Grade 12 learners, dancers from other grades could be used to dance in the choreography/dance work. The PAT requires learners to produce a group dance and may not produce a solo or duet.
  • Quality v/s quantity: Teachers should guide learners to select the most relevant material developed over their planning and improvisation processes for their final product.
  • A letter of authenticity is required from each learner declaring that their choreography has not been plagiarised.
  • Teachers should assist learners by providing a selection of music for learners/groups to choose from if they are unable to find their own music. Not all learners will have access to a wide range of suitable music. Teachers should also guide and assist in the final selection, fading, cutting and collection of music for final assessment and moderation.
  • Teachers may use the school Wi-Fi connectivity/overhead projectors connected to a laptop or cellphone to access the relevant electronic examples of the content provided in this document.

List of Dance Studies Grade 12 PAT Questions and Memos

2023 PAT

2022 PAT

2021 PAT

2020 PAT

How to Pass Design Grade 12 with distinctions

One of the most significant accomplishments in your academic career is passing matric. It provides access to a wide range of post secondary options and employment possibilities. Use our best study advice to complete your matriculation, and you’ll succeed with flying colors.

  1. Attend class 
  2. Ask questions 
  3. Make notes 
  4. Study 
  5. Practise 
  6. Study groups 
  7. Extra class 
  8. Motivation 
  9. Complete assessments 
  10. Prepare for the Exams in due time

Download Past Exam Papers & Memo per Province

Western Cape Papers and Memorandum


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