advise your friend on how to effectively deal with stress resulting from failing a grade


advise your friend on how to effectively deal with stress resulting from failing a grade

advise your friend on how to effectively deal with stress resulting from failing a grade
advise your friend on how to effectively deal with stress resulting from failing a grade

advise your friend on how to effectively deal with stress resulting from failing a grade  Welcome toadvise your friend on how to effectively deal with stress resulting from failing a grade Helpful Article Here you will get to know How do you advice a friend to deal with stress resulting from failing a grade? in order to effectively deal with stress resulting from failing a grade.

5. Techniques for Dealing with Grade Repetition Stress

All of your friends are happy that you passed as the new school/college year has begun, but you feel as though the world is ending because you have to repeat a year. It might be difficult and discouraging to repeat a grade or year in school or college, but it’s crucial to stay motivated. These advice can help you get through the year.

Remember, you’re not a failure

I realise that failing at something can leave you feeling down about it or like you don’t matter. Yes, Ajiraforum, failure occurs to everyone at some time in life, but one failure doesn’t sum up your entire existence. Aim to be gentle with oneself. A queen is not scared to fail, as Oprah Winfrey has said. Another stepping stone to greatness is failure.

Reach out for help

The people you love and trust by your side will usually support you through it, just like they do with anything else difficult in life. However, I recognise that being ashamed of having to repeat a grade can prevent you from seeking assistance. You should consider the people you have in your life and consider how they can support you, whether it’s from your teachers, your family, or your friends. For instance, one of your teachers may be willing to give you extra lessons on a subject after school, and a member of your family or a friend may be able to assist you in creating a study schedule so you can better balance your social and academic lives. Or, they might just be there to listen to how you’re feeling, giving you some company while you’re going through this, Choma. As long as you ask for assistance, those who care about you will always be ready to lend a hand. Here are two excellent phone numbers you can call for counselling if you require it:

SADAG Mental Health Line – 011 234 4837

Destiny Helpline for Youth & Students – 0800 41 42 43

Look at it as a second chance

Your teacher might occasionally notice that you could be performing much better in a particular subject and want to give you another chance to try and achieve the best possible results. When you approach this as a second chance, you have the opportunity to consider all the circumstances that may have prevented you from giving your best effort in the past. Were they your pals? Was it your home life? Or did you simply have a lot on your mind?

Make your school work a priority

You must decide what is most important in life, Ajiraforum, which means you will have to make some difficult decisions. While having friends around is great, when they start to interfere with school, it becomes a major issue. If they truly are your friends, they will understand and help you through your studies if you talk to them about how you want to prioritise your studies. Making minor adjustments to your daily schedule that will help you concentrate better could be another way to give your schoolwork top priority. such as getting more sleep, eating better, and even exercising.

Focus on the future

You can set goals and manage your time much better now that you are aware of the obstacles you faced last year and how to avoid them. Though you can’t control everything in life, you can control how you react and how you deal with things, and the best way to do that is to start out with a positive outlook.

The first step in working hard and succeeding is believing that you can achieve your goals. This doesn’t imply that things will become simple overnight, but rather that you’ll always put your best effort forward in pursuit of your goals because you have confidence in yourself. You are wiser than you believe. I hope this is helpful to you or a friend who may be experiencing this.



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