Ekurhuleni East TVET College(EEC) Fee Structure | Handbook | Aps Score | Academic Calendar

EEC Fee Structure | Acceptance Rate | Handbook | Fee Structure | Hostel and Residence Application


EEC Fee Structure | Acceptance Rate | Handbook | Fee Structure | Hostel and Residence Application

EEC Fee Structure | Acceptance Rate | Handbook | Fee Structure | Hostel and Residence Application This Article is Contain Full of Information Which is Accurate for Those who wish to be Enrolled by Ekurhuleni East TVET College(EEC) Fee Structure,Amount of The Fees Acceptable ,Bank Accounts Details Handbook or Year Book APS Point Score -Admission Point Score The Rate Accepted to be Enrolled Academic Calendar Term and Semester Calendar ,APS Calculator,  together with Hostel and Residence Applications.

Ekurhuleni East TVET College(EEC) Fee Structure

The Fee Structure it Show Certain Amount Of Money Students Supposed to Pay as Learning Cost ,The Students Tuition Fees Vary from One Course  to Another  , The Fee structure Covers the Following.

👉Tution Fee

👉Application Fee

👉Acceptance Deposit

👉Accommodation Fees


Miscellaneous fees and levies



PROGRAMMEPrivately Funded Enrolments
Level 2 – 4
Level 2 – 4Deposit
Civil Engineering & Building ConstructionR72 872.24R14 574.00R2 000.00
Electrical Infrastructure ConstructionR71 923.91R14 385.00R2 000.00
Engineering & Related DesignR93 490.32R16 698.00R2 000.00
Information Technology & Computer ScienceR71 514.59R14 303.00R2 000.00
MechatronicsR94 714.15R18 943.00R2 000.00
Finance, Economics & AccountingR52 258.15R10 452.00R1 600.00
ManagementR54 718.75R10 944.00R1 600.00
MarketingR49 854.54R 9 371.00R1 600.00
Office AdministrationR46 707.44R 9 341.00R1 600.00
Transport and LogisticsR49 350.00R 9 870.00R1 600.00
TourismR67 860.60R13 572.00R2 000.00
HospitalityR88 445.78R17 689.00R2 000.00
Education and DevelopmentR50 674.24R10 135.00R1 600.00


  • Class fees for privately-funded enrolments are paid as per signed MOA with the company / sponsor.
  • Class fees as recorded above for 2021 are payable by students who are enrolling for the first time, on a specific level, for the full programme (7 subjects).
  • A deposit as stated above is payable by NC (V) students who do not qualify for the DHET bursary as well as students who qualify for a DHET bursary but refuse to apply for the bursary.
  • If a student has not passed the full programme (7 subjects) individual subject prices per learning area will be applicable.
  • Class fees as stated above are inclusive of tuition fee, text books, learning material, protective clothing, registration and student cards.

Payment arrangements for full-time NC(V) subjects for students who do not qualify for a bursary:

  • Enrolment for one or two subjects: Full payment.
  • Enrolment for three or more subjects: Deposit payable equal to the payment due for two subjects; balance payable in four instalments.

Class Fees For Individual Subjects

Generic subjects in different programmes
English, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Life OrientationR  938.00R 4 690.00
Project Management Level 3R1 704.00R 8 520.00
Physical ScienceR2 605.00R13 027.00
New Venture CreationR1 703.00R 8 517.00
Entrepreneurship Level 2R1 703.00R 8 517.00
Individual subjects other than the above
Civil Engineering ConstructionR2 940.00R14 574.00
Education & DevelopmentR1 830.00R10 135.00
Electrical Infrastructure ConstructionR2 893.00R14 385.00
Engineering & Related DesignR3 971.00R18 698.00
Finance, Economics &AccountingR1 909.00R10 452.00
HospitalityR3 719.00R17 689.00
IT & Computer ScienceR2 872.00R14 303.00
ManagementR2 032.00R10 944.00
MarketingR1 639.00R 9 371.00
MechanotronicsR4 032.00R18 943.00
Office AdministrationR1 632.00R 9 341.00
TourismR2 689.00R13 572.00
Transport & LogisticsR1 764.00R 9 870.00

Engineering Study Courses N2-N6


LEVELPrice per Subject
Privately Funded Enrolments
(100% Programme Cost)
Price per SubjectReg. FeeStudent CardUMALUSI Fee
N1 – N2R2 394.00R527.00R240.00R90.00
N3R2 394.00R527.00R240.00R90.00R45.00
N4 – N6R2 793.00R614.00R240.00R90.00
N1 – N2R1 078.00R240.00R90.00
N3R1 078.00R240.00R90.00R45.00
N4 – N6R1 276.00R240.00R90.00
Provided that sufficient funds are available for DHET bursaries, students who qualify for a DHET bursary and who submit a completed application form will not be requested to pay class fees. Students who qualify for a DHET bursary but refuse to apply for one will have to pay class fees as outlined below.Payment arrangement for full-time classes in Engineering Studies for students who do not qualify for a DHET bursary: 

  • Enrollment for one or two subjects: Full payment
  • Enrollment for three or more subjects: Deposit payable equal to payment due for two subjects;
  • Balance payable in two installments.

Payment arrangement for part-time classes: 

  • Full payment with enrollment. This applies to all part-time classes: afternoon, evening or any day of the week.

Exams only: 

  • Examination fee for exams only will be R200.00 per subject.
  • Only students who have been enrolled with EWC previously should be allowed to enrol for exams only.

A Registration fee of R240.00 will be charged when Report 191 students are enrolling for exams only. Exam only includes re-writes, and approved correspondence providers.

Student Card Fees: Where applicable, these will be R90.00 per card.

Payment arrangements for privately-funded enrolments: To be informed by the specific signed MOA with the sponsor / funder.


Business Study Courses Intro N4-N6


LEVELPrice per Subject
Privately Funded Enrolments
(100% Programme Cost)
Price per SubjectReg. FeeStudent Card
Intro N4-N6
TheoryR3 547.00R780.00R240.00R90.00
PracticalR3 547.00R780.00R240.00R90.00
Intro N4-N6
TheoryR1 131.00R240.00R90.00
PracticalR2 330.00R240.00R90.00
Provided that sufficient funds are available for DHET bursaries, students who qualify for a DHET bursary and who submit a completed application form will not be requested to pay class fees. Students who qualify for a DHET bursary but refuse to apply for one will have to pay class fees as outlined below.Payment arrangement for full-time classes in Business Studies: 

  • Enrollment for one or two subjects: Full payment
  • Enrollment for three or more subjects: Deposit payable equal to payment due for two subjects;
  • Balance payable in three installments.

Payment arrangement for part-time classes: 

  • Full payment with enrollment. This applies to all part-time classes: afternoon, evening or any day of the week.

Exams only: 

  • Examination fee for exams only will be R200.00 per subject.
  • Only students who have been enrolled with EWC previously should be allowed to enrol for exams only.

A Registration fee of R240.00 per qualification will be charged irrespective of whether the student is enrolling for full-time or part-time or exam only. Exam only includes re-writes, supplementary examinations and approved correspondence providers.

Student Card Fees: Where applicable, these will be R90.00 per card.

Payment arrangements for privately-funded enrolments: To be informed by the specific signed MOA with the sponsor / funder.


Hospitality & Catering Services N4-N6


LEVELPrice per SubjectReg. FeeStudent CardUMALUSI Fee
N4 – N6
Fundamental SubjectsR  780.00R240.00R90.00
Theory & PracticalsR2 087.00R240.00R90.00R45.00
Hospitality N4 – N6
TheoryR8 003.00R240.00R90.00
PracticalR8 003.00R240.00R90.00
Hospitality N4 – N6
TheoryR1 131.00R240.00R90.00
PracticalR3 026.00R240.00R90.00
Provided that sufficient funds are available for DHET bursaries, students who qualify for a DHET bursary and who submit a completed application form will not be requested to pay class fees. Students who qualify for a DHET bursary but refuse to apply for one will have to pay class fees as outlined below.Payment arrangement for full-time classes in Business Studies for students who do not qualify for a DHET bursary: 

  • Enrollment for one or two subjects: Full payment
  • Enrollment for three or more subjects: Deposit payable equal to payment due for two subjects;
  • Balance payable in three installments.

Payment arrangement for part-time classes: 

  • Full payment with enrollment. This applies to all part-time classes: afternoon, evening or any day of the week.

Exams only: 

  • Examination fee for exams only will be R200.00 per subject.
  • Only students who have been enrolled with EWC previously should be allowed to enrol for exams only.

A Registration fee of R240.00 will be charged when Report 191 students are enrolling for exams only. Exam only includes re-writes, and approved correspondence providers.


Utility Studies


COURSECourse FeeDeposit
QCTO / Year 1R22 405.00R3 450.00
QCTO / Year 2R22 405.00R3 450.00
Services SETA Year 3 (FET Cert in Hairdressing, Level 4)R1 333.00Full amount.
Terms of payment:
Deposit payable as indicated above.
Installments: January – August.
All fees must be paid up by 31 August 2021.
Notes: Students may only be enrolled for each year if all fees for the previous year have been
paid in full. No assessments / re-assessments will be scheduled for students who owe the
college tuition or other fees from the previous years of study.
COURSECourse FeeDeposit
Beauty Therapy
ITEC Diploma in Beauty Therapy (Duration 12 Months)R37 314.00R7 200.00

Terms of Payment:

Deposit payable as indicated above.
Installments: January – October.
Notes: No student will be allowed to enrol for the Diploma course in Beauty Therapy if the class fee for the Certificate course was not paid in full. Students who only sity for exams must be debited with ITECReg Fee + Itec Exam Fee+ EWC Registration Fee.




COURSEPriceDepositRegistration FeeStudent Card
ModulesR6 355.00R4 480.00R240.00R90.00
As this is an external examination, no students are allowed to sit for the examination if their class fees have not been paid for the module. 

Re-assessment for each module R225.00.

A Registration Fee of R240,00 and a R90.00 Student Card fee are payable together with the deposit on registration.


IT Programmes


COURSEClass FeeTotalRegistration FeeStudent Card
eLearnerR1  346.00R2 476.00R240.00R90.00
A+R2 416.00R5 291.00R240.00R90.00
N+R2 056.00R4 973.00R240.00R90.00
Deposit payable for full-time students only. 

Part-time students need to pay in full on registration.

 Ekurhuleni East TVET College (EEC)  Handbook | Academic Calendar  | Hostel Application

If your looking one Of Above Information Kindly Follow the Steps Bellow and Get what you Want

▬ Visit UFS Student Official Website ( https://eec.edu.za/ )

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▬Click to Download /Apply

 Ekurhuleni East TVET College (EEC)  Admission Point Score (APS) -UFS Acceptance Rate

The Admission Point Score Developed By National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Independent Examinations Board (IEB) Based on Each Subject As pass mark per Each subject As Acceptance Rate For South Africans Universities, This Easily Obtained Through APS Calculator.

National Certificate (Vocational) NQF Levels 2 – 4

General information Centre must also check and ensure that the prospective NCV students have the following documents for them to proceed with the registration:

  •  Original copies of the Latest Report or Statement of Results of the student’s recent completed level (Grade 9-12);
  •  Certified copy of ID/Birth certificate and everyone in the household;
  •  Proof of residence;
  •  Parent/Guardian’s contact details;
  •  Registration Fee if does not want to apply for bursary;
Report 191

In terms of the prospective Report 191 students the centre should request for the following before they are allowed to proceed to the next registration stations:

  •  N1 Engineering: Original copy of Grade 9 final report with Maths and Science passed above 40%
  •  N4 Engineering: original copy of N3 or NSC or Matric Certificate or Level 4 with Maths and Science passed above 40%
  •  Certified copies of NCS, Matric Certificate or NCV Level 4 Certificate for all other programmes
  •  Certified copy of ID/Birth certificate and everyone in the household;
  •  Proof of residence which is three months or less old;
  •  Parent/Guardian’s contact details;
  •  Registration Fee if does not want to apply for bursary;

 Ekurhuleni East TVET College (EEC)

Bank : ABSA
Branch no : 638156
Bank Account No. : 4055633103
Reference : Tendering Company Name
Cheques and cash will not be accepted

https://ajiraforum.com/south-africa/ is Just 3rd part site for More info kindly Visit University/College Officia website 👉https://eec.edu.za/


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