University of South Africa (Unisa) Fee Structure | Handbook | Aps Score | Academic Calendar

UNISA Fee Structure | Acceptance Rate | Handbook | Fee Structure | Hostel and Residence Application


UNISA Fee Structure | Acceptance Rate | Handbook | Fee Structure | Hostel and Residence Application

UNISA Fee Structure | Acceptance Rate | Handbook | Fee Structure | Hostel and Residence Application This Article is Contain Full of Information Which is Accurate for Those who wish to be Enrolled by University of South Africa (Unisa) Fee Structure,Amount of The Fees Acceptable ,Bank Accounts Details Handbook or Year Book APS Point Score The Rate Accepted to be Enrolled Academic Calendar Term and Semester Calendar ,APS Calculator,  together with Hostel and Residence Applications.

University of South Africa (Unisa) Fee Structure

The Fee Structure it Show Certain Amount Of Money Students Supposed to Pay as Learning Cost ,The Students Tuition Fees Vary from One Course  to Another  , The Fee structure Covers the Following.

👉Tution Fee

👉Application Fee

👉Acceptance Deposit

👉Accommodation Fees


Miscellaneous fees and levies


Prescribed fees per subject group

Subjects in Education; Law; Psychology; and Public Management and Services
DescriptionSemesterTotalMinimum amount payable on registrationDue by 31 March 2021Due by 15 May 2021Due by 15 Aug 2021
Half moduleS1R835.00R275.00R560.00
Module / PaperS1R1,665.00R550.00R1,115.00
Subjects in Business Economics and Management Studies; Communication and Journalism; Computer and Information Sciences; Languages; Linguistics and Literature; Philosophy; Religion and Theology; and Social Sciences
DescriptionSemesterTotalMinimum amount payable on registrationDue by 31 March 2021Due by 15 May 2021Due by 15 Aug 2021
Half moduleS1R820.00R270.00R550.00
Module / PaperS1R1,635.00R540.00R1,095.00
YEARR1,635.00R540.00 R547.00R548.00
Subjects in Architecture and the Built Environment; Engineering; Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics
DescriptionSemesterTotalMinimum amount payable on registrationDue by 31 March 2021Due by 15 May 2021Due by 15 Aug 2021
Half moduleS1R810.00R268.00R542.00
Module / PaperS1R1,625.00R540.00R1,085.00
YEARR1,625.00R540.00 R542.00R543.00
Subjects in Agriculture and Agricultural Operations; Visual and Performing Arts; Health Professions and related Clinical Sciences; Life Sciences and Physical Sciences
DescriptionSemesterTotalMinimum amount payable on registrationDue by 31 March 2021Due by 15 May 2021Due by 15 Aug 2021
Half moduleS1R775.00R255.00R520.00
Module / PaperS1R1,550.00R510.00R1,040.00
YEARR1,550.00R510.00 R520.00R520.00

University of South Africa (UNISA)  Handbook | Academic Calendar  | Hostel Application

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University of South Africa (UNISA)  Admission Point Score (APS) -Acceptance Rate

The Admission Point Score Developed By National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Independent Examinations Board (IEB) Based on Each Subject As pass mark per Each subject As Acceptance Rate For South Africans Universities, This Easily Obtained Through APS Calculator.

Extended bachelor degrees (4-year programme)

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with degree endorsementAt least 50% in the language of teaching and learningAt least 50% in MathematicsApplicants who do not meet the Mathematics requirement of the 3-year programme, but who have achieved 50% or more, but less than 60%, will be placed in this extended programme. The programme will require students to complete the following modules before they can commence with the 3-year programme:

  • ENG1513 – Foundations in English for University Study
  • FAC1500 – Basic Accounting
  • FBN1501 – Business Numerical Skills A
  • FBN1502 – Business Numerical Skills B
  • FEC1501 – Understanding the Economy
A Senior Certificate (SC) with matriculation exemption from the Matriculation BoardAt least a D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningAt least a D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in MathematicsApplicants who do not meet the Mathematics requirement of the 3-year programme, but who have achieved 50% or more, but less than 60%, will be placed in this extended programme. The programme will require students to complete the following modules before they can commence with the 3-year programme:

  • ENG1513 – Foundations in English for University Study
  • FAC1500 – Basic Accounting
  • FBN1501 – Business Numerical Skills A
  • FBN1502 – Business Numerical Skills B
  • FEC1501 – Understanding the Economy
Applicants who do not comply with the above requirements for admission to the extended bachelor degree curriculum should consider applying for the Diploma in Accounting Sciences, the Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences or the Higher Certificate in Economic and Management Sciences.

Bachelor degrees (3-year programme)

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with degree endorsementAt least 50% in the language of teaching and learningAt least 60% in Mathematics Applicants who do not meet this requirement, but who have achieved 50% or more, but less than 60%, will be placed in the extended programme (see above). None
A Senior Certificate (SC) with matriculation exemption from the Matriculation BoardAt least a D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningAt least a C symbol on HG or a B symbol on SG in Mathematics None
An appropriate Advanced Certificate in Accounting Sciences
An appropriate Higher Certificate in Economic and Management Sciences
An appropriate Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences
An appropriate Diploma in Accounting or Accounting Sciences
Applicants who do not meet the minimum Mathematics requirement indicated above, but who have a mark of 50% or more, but less than 60% (D symbol on HG), should still apply for this bachelor degree. Once you have applied, you will be redirected through the selection process to the extended bachelor degree programme (4 years) (listed above).
Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with diploma endorsementAt least 50% in the language of teaching and learningAt least 40% in MathematicsNone
A Senior Certificate (SC)At least a D symbol in the language of teaching and learningAt least an E symbol on HG or a D symbol on SG in MathematicsNone
A Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences
A Higher Certificate in Economic and Management Sciences
An Advanced Certificate in Accounting Sciences
Applicants who do not comply with the above requirements should consider applying for a lower-level qualification for which they meet the statutory and additional requirements.
Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences
Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC)At least 30% in the language of teaching and learningNoneNone
A Senior Certificate (SC)At least an F symbol on HG or an E symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningNoneNone
A National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV) Level 4At least 40% in the language of teaching and learningNoneNone

Bachelor of Science degree (4-year programme)

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementPhysical Science requirement
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with degree endorsement50% in the language of teaching and learning50% in Mathematics50% in Physical Science if any Chemistry or Physics modules form part of the curriculum of a selected qualification
A Senior Certificate (SC) with matriculation exemption or qualify for the exemption from the Matriculation BoardA D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningA D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in MathematicsA D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in Physical Science if any Chemistry or Physics modules form part of the curriculum of a selected qualification
Applicants who have not obtained at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning, 50% in Mathematics and 50% in Physical Science, will be limited to 48 credits at NQF level 5 in their first period of study and must register for the following:

  • To meet the language requirements: two language proficiency modules (ENG1511 and ENN103F)
  • To meet the Mathematics requirement: a Mathematics module (MAT0511)
  • To meet the Physical Science requirement: a Science module (SMI181Q)

All 48 credits must be passed before the student may continue with degree studies.

Bachelor of Science degree (3-year programme)
Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementPhysical Science requirement
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with degree endorsement50% in the language of teaching and learning50% in Mathematics50% in Physical Science if any Chemistry or Physics modules form part of the curriculum of a selected qualification
A Senior Certificate (SC) with matriculation exemption or qualify for exemption from the Matriculation BoardA D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningA D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in MathematicsA D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in Physical Science if any Chemistry or Physics modules form part of the curriculum of a selected qualification
Applicants who have not obtained at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning, 50% in Mathematics and 50% in Physical Science, will be limited to 48 credits at NQF level 5 in their first period of study and must register for the following:

  • To meet the language requirements: two language proficiency modules (ENG1511 and ENN103F)
  • To meet the Mathematics requirement: a Mathematics module (MAT0511)
  • To meet the Physical Science requirement: a Science module (SMI181Q)

All 48 credits must be passed before the student may continue with degree studies.

Extended Bachelor of Consumer Sciences degree (4-year programme)

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with degree endorsement50% in the language of teaching and learning40% in MathematicsNone
A Senior Certificate (SC) with matriculation exemption or qualify for exemption from the Matriculation BoardA D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningAn E symbol on HG or a D symbol on SG in MathematicsNone
To enter a degree, applicants have to comply with all the admission requirements, including a minimum APS score of 20, and must be eligible for admission to degree studies. Applicants with an APS score of between 20 and 24 will be considered for the extended 4-year degree curriculum, where applicable. Applicants who do not comply with the above requirements should consider applying for a lower-level qualification for which they meet the statutory and additional requirements.

Bachelor of Consumer Science degree (3-year programme)

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with degree endorsement50% in the language of teaching and learning40% in MathematicsNone
A Senior Certificate (SC) with matriculation exemption or qualify for matriculation exemption from the Matriculation BoardA D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningAn E symbol on HG or a D symbol on SG in MathematicsNone
An appropriate Higher Certificate in Agriculture and Environmental Sciences or a related field.
To enter a degree, applicants have to comply with all the admission requirements, including a minimum APS score of 20, and must be eligible for admission to degree studies. Applicants with an APS score of between 20 and 24 will be considered for the extended 4-year degree curriculum where applicable. Applicants with an APS score of 25 or higher will be considered for the 3-year degree curriculum. Applicants who do not comply with the above requirements should consider applying for a lower-level qualification for which they meet the statutory and additional requirements.

Bachelor of Arts degree

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with degree endorsement50% in the language of teaching and learningNoneNone
A Senior Certificate (SC) with matriculation exemption or qualify for the exemption from the Matriculation BoardA D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningNoneNone
An appropriate higher certificate
Applicants who do not comply with the above requirements should consider applying for a lower-level qualification for which they meet the statutory and additional requirements.


Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with diploma endorsement50% in the language of teaching and learning50% in Mathematics40% in Physical Science, Life Sciences or Agricultural Sciences
A Senior Certificate (SC)A D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningA D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in MathematicsAn E symbol on HG or a D symbol on SG in Physical Science, Life Sciences or Agricultural Sciences
To enter diploma qualifications, applicants have to comply with all the admission requirements, including a minimum APS score of 18, and must be eligible for admission to diploma studies. Applicants with an APS score of 18 to 20 will be considered for the extended 4-year diploma curriculum, where applicable. Applicants who do not comply with the above requirements should consider applying for a lower-level qualification for which they meet the statutory and additional requirements.

Higher Certificates

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC)30% in the language of teaching and learningNoneNone
A Senior Certificate (SC)An F symbol on HG or an E symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningAn F symbol on HG or an E symbol on SG in MathematicsNone
A National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV)30% in the language of teaching and learning in terms of the NSC40% in Mathematics in terms of the NSCNone

Extended bachelor degrees (4-year programme)

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with degree endorsementAt least 50% in the language of teaching and learningAt least 40% in MathematicsApplicants who do not meet the Mathematics requirement of the 3-year programme, but who have achieved between 40% and 49%, will be placed in this extended 4-year programme. The programme will require students to complete the following modules before they can commence with a 3-year programme:

  • ENG1513 – Foundations in English for University Study
  • FAC1500 – Basic Accounting
  • FBN1501 – Business Numerical Skills A
  • FBN1502 – Business Numerical Skills B
  • FEC1501 – Understanding the Economy
A Senior Certificate with matriculation exemption or who qualify for exemption from the Matriculation BoardAt least a D symbol on HG or C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningAt least an E symbol on HG or a D symbol on SG in MathematicsApplicants who do not meet the Mathematics requirement of the 3-year programme, but who have achieved between 40% and 49%, will be placed in this extended 4-year programme. The programme will require students to complete the following modules before they can commence with a 3-year programme:

  • ENG1513 – Foundations in English for University Study
  • FAC1500 – Basic Accounting
  • FBN1501 – Business Numerical Skills A
  • FBN1502 – Business Numerical Skills B
  • FEC1501 – Understanding the Economy
An appropriate diploma offered by the College of Economic and Management Sciences
An appropriate higher certificate offered by the College of Economic and Management Sciences
Applicants who do not comply with the above requirements for admission to the 4-year bachelor degree curriculum should consider applying for a lower-level qualification, such as a higher certificate or diploma, for which they meet the statutory and additional requirements.

Bachelor degrees (3-year programme)

(360-credit curriculum that can be completed in 3 years)

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with degree endorsementAt least 50% in the language of teaching and learningAt least 50% in MathematicsApplicants who do not meet the Mathematics requirement, but who have achieved between 40% and 49% for Mathematics, will be placed in the extended 4-year programme (see above)
A Senior Certificate with matriculation exemption or who qualify for exemption from the Matriculation BoardAt least a D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learningAt least a D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in MathematicsApplicants who do not meet the Mathematics requirement, but who have achieved between 40% and 49% for Mathematics, will be placed in the extended 4-year programme (see above)
An appropriate diploma offered by the College of Economic and Management Sciences
An appropriate higher certificate offered by the College of Economic and Management Sciences
Applicants who do not meet the minimum Mathematics requirement indicated above, but who a mark of between 40% and 49% (E symbol on HG), should still apply for this bachelor degree. Once you have applied, you will be redirected through the selection process to the extended bachelor degree curriculum (4 years) listed below.


Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with diploma endorsementAt least 50% in the language of teaching and learningAt least 40% in MathematicsOr at least 70% in Maths Literacy
A Senior Certificate (SC)At least a D symbol in the language of teaching and learningAt least an E symbol in Mathematics
An appropriate higher certificate
Applicants who do not comply with the above requirements for admission to the diploma should consider applying for any of the higher certificates offered by the college.

Diploma in Tourism Management

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with diploma endorsementAt least 50% in the language of teaching and learningNoneNone
A Senior Certificate (SC)At least a D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learning, or the equivalent of 50%NoneNone
An appropriate higher certificate
Applicants who do not comply with the above requirements for admission to the diploma should consider applying for any of the higher certificates offered by the college.

Higher Certificates in Economic and Management Sciences, Banking, Marketing, Insurance, Retailing & Tourism Management

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC)At least 30% in the language of teaching and learningNoneSelection for higher certificate studies will be limited and aligned to vocational subject choices obtained in the NCV Level 4
A National Senior Certificate (Vocational)At least an F symbol in the language of teaching and learningNoneSelection for higher certificate studies will be limited and aligned to vocational subject choices obtained in the NCV Level 4

Higher Certificate in Supervisory Management

Minimum requirementsLanguage requirementMathematics requirementAdditional requirements
A National Senior Certificate (NSC)At least 30% in the language of teaching and learning30% in MathematicsOr at least 70% in Maths Literacy
A National Senior Certificate Level 4At least an F symbol in the language of teaching and learningAn F symbol in MathematicsOr at least 70% in Maths Literacy

Unisa payment methods and banking details

For your convenience, we provide a variety of different payment methods. The following table details ways to pay, payment channels, plus refund and other information. In the case of electronic transfers, please ensure that the reference field is completed correctly. No cash or cheques will be accepted at any Unisa office. Cash can, however, be paid into the university’s bank account at any First National Bank (FNB) branch.

Debit cards

Debit card payments are accepted if you pay or register in person at any Unisa Regional offices.

Credit cards

Credit cards are restricted to Visa and Mastercard. Credit card payments are accepted if you pay or register in person at Unisa in Sunnyside / Florida or one of the regional offices. Please note that these are real-time transactions.

Unisa web credit card payments

Unisa web payment link: (this is a secure site)


Please note:

Bank deposit

Cash and direct bank deposits can be made at any First National Bank (FNB) in South Africa

  • if you already have a student number
  • in respect of fees, for example: study fees, examination fees (supplementary, sick or special exam fees), exemption fees and library charges
  • provided that the deposit slip is correctly filled in as follows:
    • Deposit reference: first eight (8) blocks are for the student number (If the student number consists of only 7 digits, then a “0” must be filled in as the first digit of the student number) leave one block open, then fill in the code number 5400374721 for study fees, 3000774039 for SBL student fees, 5400374225 for library fees or 5352X74608 for Matriculation Exemption fees
  • Ensure that the deposit slip is correctly filled in as follows:
    • Deposit to: Unisa Student Fees
    • Bank account number: Unisa Student Fees
    • Deposit reference: first eight (8) blocks are for the student number (If the student number consists of only 7 digits, then a “0” must be filled in as the first digit of the student number). Leave one block open, then fill in the following codes:
      • 5400374721 for study fees
      • 3000774039 for SBL student fees
      • 5400374225 for library fees
      • 5352X74608 for matriculation exemption fees
      • 5370810030 for the application fee
      • 5400315164 for access cards

Please note:

  • Should any of the information on the bank deposit slip be incomplete or incorrect, the transaction will not be processed by the bank and/or may cause a delay in the allocation or transfer of funds to your account and as such the university cannot be held liable for delays caused.
  • Payments will be allocated within two (2) to ten (10) working days to the study fees account, provided that all the information on the deposit slip is correct.
  • No cheques are accepted.

Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT)

Please note that Unisa now banks with First National Bank (FNB). Unisa is a pre-approved beneficiary. 

For South African students using FNB

Bank nameFirst National Bank (FNB)
Account nameUnisa Students Deposits
Account numberSelect Unisa on the list of pre-approved public beneficiaries
Reference (study fees)Student number, space, 5400374721 (study fees allocation number)
[your 8-digit student number]
Reference (SBL fees)Student number, space, 3000774039 (SBL student fee allocation number)
[your 8-digit student number]
Reference (applications)Student number, space, 5370810030 (study fees allocation number)
[your 8-digit student number]


South African students NOT using FNB for their EFT should please use the following income account number details

Bank nameFirst National Bank (FNB)
Account nameUnisa Student Fees Account
Account number627 9963 0382
Account typeCheque
Branch code210554
Reference (study fees)Student number, space, 5400374721 (study fee allocation number)
[your 8-digit student number]
Reference (SBL fees)Student number, space, 3000774039 (SBL student fee allocation number)
[your 8-digit student number]
Reference (applications)Student number, space, 5370810030 (study fees allocation number)
[your 8-digit student number]

Please use the correct referencing to ensure that payments are automatically allocated to your student account.

Payments by employers / bulk payments, sponsors, bursaries, donors & international students

Bank name:First National Bank (FNB)
Account nameUnisa Income Account
Account number627 9962 5200
Account typeCheque
Branch code250645
Swift codeFIRNZAJJ

Please note: For bulk payments kindly complete the payment advice form (Download the payment advice form)

Allocation numbers for payments other than study fees:

Study feesStudent number, space, 5400374721
Library feesStudent number, space, 5400374225
Application feesStudent number, space, 5370810030
Matriculation exemption feesStudent number, space, 5352X74608
Student card feesStudent number, space, 5400315164
SBL tuitionStudent number, space, 3000774039

Please note:

  • Incomplete or incorrect payment information will not be processed, and Unisa will not be held liable for any resultant delay in the allocation or transfer of funds to study fees accounts.
  • Payments will be allocated within two (2) to ten (10) working days upon receipt of the required information. Proof of payment (remittance or payment advice) and a breakdown of the payment (full names, identity numbers, student numbers and amount per student) must be sent to [email protected]
  • If a company or employer is paying your tuition fees, please submit proof of payment to [email protected]
  • For any payment-related enquiries, please send an e-mail to [email protected]


  • Requests have to be made in writing and must be signed by the registered student.
    Download the refund form (PDF) or Download the refund form for international students (PDF)
  • Refunds will be processed within 15 working (business) days from receipt of request.
  • Credit balances exceeding the total study fees paid by sponsors or bursaries will be refunded to the sponsor or bursary concerned.

Please note:

  • No refunds for credit balances less than R100.00 will be allowed.
  • Applications and miscellaneous fees are non-refundable.
  • As indicated on the refund form, refund requests must be accompanied by the required documentation.


  • The university reserves the right not to render services to students with outstanding balances.
  • Receipts and statements of accounts will be issued to registered students only. It remains the student’s responsibility to submit the document to the relevant sponsor. is Just 3rd part site for More info kindly Visit University/College Officia website 👉


Originally posted 2023-12-07 19:30:28.

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