Global air circulation Notes for Grade 12

Global air circulation Notes for Grade 12


Global air circulation Notes for Grade 12

Global air circulation Notes for Grade 12 Notes on global air circulation with questions and solutions for Grade 12 Did you know that the Earth’s surface is largely covered by the winds of the global air circulation? Planetary winds are another name for global air flow.

Winds related to global air circulation

There are three global wind systems that are related to the global circulation:

  • The tropical easterlies
  • The westerlies
  • The polar easterlies

What causes the circulation of air in the atmosphere

A force called Coriolis force causes global winds to move to the left in the southern hemisphere and to the right in the northern hemisphere. The tri-cellular arrangement, the pressure belts and the global winds together form the global air circulation.

The global air circulation diagram

Below is the global air circulation diagram

Global air circulation

What are the 3 types of atmospheric circulation cells called?

The 3 types of atmospheric circulation cells called:

  • Polar cell – The smallest and weakest cells are the Polar cells, which extend from between 60 and 70 degrees north and south, to the poles.
  • Ferrel cell – Ferrel cell refers to a model that belongs to the mid-latitude region of the Earth’s wind flow
  • Hadley cell – low-latitude overturning circulations that have air rising at the equator and air sinking at roughly 30° latitude.
What are the 3 types of atmospheric circulation cells called
Global air circulation Notes for Grade 12

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