The weather that occurs as a result of the cold front in South Africa

The weather that occurs as a result of the cold front in South Africa


The weather that occurs as a result of the cold front in South Africa

The weather that occurs as a result of the cold front in South Africa Let’s examine the weather that South Africa experiences as a result of the cold front. Both before and after the cold front, there are two distinct weather patterns.

Weather in front of the cold front

  • Cool temperatures
  • Very low pressure
  • Overcast conditions, cumulonimbus clouds
  • Thunderstorms

Weather behind the cold front

  • Cold temperatures
  • High pressure
  • Partly cloudy conditions, cumulus clouds
  • Light rain

Note that as a mid-latitude cyclone moves from west to east, we experience the warm air mass in front of the cold front first, then the air behind the cold front.

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