Characteristics and competencies that made most successful entrepreneurs

Characteristics and competencies that made most successful entrepreneurs


Characteristics and competencies that made most successful entrepreneurs

Characteristics and competencies that made most successful entrepreneurs Answers to the question of “what do you think are your attributes and skills that make you a great entrepreneur” are frequently very similar from the most successful businessmen and women. The traits and skills that made the most successful entrepreneurs in the world will be covered on this page.

Characteristics and competencies that made most successful entrepreneurs

  1. Solution-driven – when many folks are quick to identify problems on everything, successful entrepreneurs identify solutions on every problem.
  2. Clear vision – successful entrepreneurs spend time dreaming and visualising their success. They use their visions to align their actions accordingly.
  3. Decisiveness – successful entrepreneurs are not the victims of analysis paralisis. They dont spend time analysing the solution. They rather spend time actioning their ideas, failing, and re-inventing untill they reach success.
  4. Discipline – great sense of discipline is a precious skill that many successful entrepreneurs posses
  5. Motivation – motivation inspire action positively, positive action brings success towards one’s goal
  6. Open minded – successful entrepreneur approach problems with an open mind, rather than with a preconcived ideology.

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” – Henry David Thoreau

“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.” – Seth Godin

“If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” – Steve Jobs


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