Business Studies Grade 11 Definition of Terms Notes

Business Studies Grade 11 Definition of Terms Notes


Business Studies Grade 11 Definition of Terms Notes

List of Business Studies Grade 11 Definition of Terms

StrikeA work stoppage as a form of protest or to strengthen one’s bargaining position
Industrial actionThese are actions that include strikes or go-slows
Open marketA market where there is no control over who may provide goods and services or over the prices that can be charged
DemographicsStatistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it. Often includes age, gender, income groups and occupation.
PsychographicsThe classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations and other psychological criteria.
GlobalisationGreater trade and collaboration between businesses or people in different countries which is enabled by technological advances and communication.
Physical environmentThis is an environment that is comprising of the ecological elements such as natural disasters, air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, waste products or natural resources
Institutional environmentThese are private-public partnerships which are formed between government and private enterprise
RedressingTo make amends or to set right
NepotismThe practise of showing favouritism towards one’s family or friends in economic or employment terms
RetrenchmentInvoluntary ending of a service contract of an employee by the employer due to operational requirements.
Go- slowsWhen employees work more slowly and with less effort than usual to try to persuade an employer to agree to higher pay
Trade unionAn organized association of workers in a trade , group of trades, or profession formed to protect their rights and interest
StrikeA work stoppage as a form
ControlThe power to influence or direct people’s behaviour or the course of events.
Organisational structureFramework for managers which shows the division of responsibilities and roles played by each stakeholder.
Organisational cultureControls and influences the way in which the business is conducted
VisionReflects or predicts what the future will look like.
Mission statementShows what one does best every day in the business and how one should go about doing it.
Human resourcesThe personnel of a business organization regarded as a significant asset in terms of skills and abilities.
SuppliersFactories/providers of goods/services that businesses would obtain/buy from in order to operate their businesses.
CompetitorsBusinesses which sell the same/similar products/services
DeforestationRemoval of trees to clear land to be used for another purpose, e.g. industrialization
RedressingTo make amends or to set right
NepotismThe practise of showing favouritism towards one’s family or friends in economic or employment terms
RetrenchmentInvoluntary ending of a service contract of an employee by the employer due to operational requirements.
Go- slowsWhen employees work more slowly and with less effort than usual to try to persuade an employer to agree to higher pay
Trade unionAn organized association of workers in a trade , group of trades, or profession formed to protect their rights and interest

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