Puberty Grade 12 Life Sciences Notes with Activities Questions and Answers


Puberty Grade 12 Life Sciences Notes with Activities Questions and Answers

Puberty Grade 12 Life Sciences Notes with Activities Questions and Answers The Grade 12 Life Sciences Notes on Puberty section of this page provides review exercises with questions and solutions to aid students in getting ready for tests and examinations.


Puberty is the period in humans in which they experience physical changes in their bodies in order to be capable of sexual reproduction.

Physical changes during puberty male and female

Puberty in males Puberty in females
Stimulated by testosterone Stimulated by estrogen
Growth of male sex organs Growth of female sex organs
Start of the production of sperm cells Start of the menstrual cycle and production of ova
Growth of pubic hair, facial hair and body hair Growth of pubic hair
Development of muscles and deepening of voice Growth and development of breasts and widening of hips

Video Lesson on Puberty

PDF Downloadable Notes on Puberty:

Question and Answers Activities:

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