The Impact of Droughts in South Africa Essay


The Impact of Droughts in South Africa Essay

The Impact of Droughts in South Africa Essay This article will go over how to write an essay about the Impact of Droughts in South Africa: introduction, body, and conclusion. First and foremost, did you realize that South Africa is currently experiencing a drought? Most people will be perplexed by this because South Africa is also experiencing strong rains from November 2021 to February 2022. However, the draught being discussed here is the one that began in 2018 and has affected not only South Africa, but also Southern Africa, including Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and South Africa. The draught has been rated as a Red-Class level 2 event.

The Impact of draughts in South Africa Essay Guide

When you an essay about draughts in South Africa, you should include all three sections of what every essay is made up of: introduction, body, and conclusion.

Introduction (What you will be talking about)

The first paragraph of your draughts in South Africa essay needs to introduce your topic and provide direction for the entire essay. This is where you introduce the main key points of the essay.


According to ……. South Africa has been experiencing draughts since….. This has a negative impact on the South African fragile economy where unemployment is rife. This essay will be talking about the main impact of droughts in South Africa, focusing on the issues such as: a shortage of water, shortage of food, dying livestock, loss of jobs, etc…

The Body (Discussing all Keypoints in details)

The body of the essay will be made up of the key points you highlighted in your introduction. These key points should be discussed in detail (preferably a paragraph for each). So your main paragraphs will be made up of:

  • shortage of water,
  • shortage of food,
  • dying livestock,
  • loss of jobs
  • and any related…

The Conclusion (Summary)

The conclusion will now summarise all the key points you discussed. After providing the summary, then you will have to make a point or a closure.


This essay has discussed and identified the following: a shortage of water is currently a crisis in South Africa and serious measures are needed as a matter of urgency, dying of livestock will not only harm the economy in the next decade but will immediately starve the communities, ………………(summarise all other key points in this manner).

Closure Statement: To combat the long-term effects and current challenges of draughts is not solely eh government responsibility, but communities’ responsibilities as a whole, including the private sector, households, and every individual.


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