The impact of climate change on the economy of South Africa Essay Question Type


The impact of climate change on the economy of South Africa Essay Question Type

The impact of climate change on the economy of South Africa Essay Question Type In this section, we will look at the effects of climate change on the South African economy. This is a standard essay question. Remember that when writing an essay-style response, you should:

After a proper introduction about climate change and its negative effects on the economy, the body of the essay should be made up of sentences that discuss various forms of affects on the South African economy.
As a conclusion to the essay, include a quick summary as well as your concluding point.

The impact of climate change on the economy of South Africa

Climate change is one of the greatest concerns for all countries all over the world, including South Africa. Climate change is and will cause havoc in the South African Economy unless serious steps towards remedial actions are taken sooner.

Climate change due to global warming is causing warmer temperatures, sea-level rise, and extreme weather that damages property and critical infrastructure, impact human health and productivity, and negatively affect sectors such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and tourism in South Africa. Due to climate change, the demand for energy will increase as power generation becomes less reliable, and water supplies will be stressed.

Agricultural Sector, the biggest victim

The agricultural section of the economy is one that will suffer the most due to climate change. Below are some of the reasons why:

  • Heavy rains due to climate change cause unbearable floods that significantly damage crops
  • Extreme temperatures expose plants and livestock to great risk. Which leads to a great revenue loss and ultimately jobs and business loss.


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