6 Factors which may Prevent Accessibility to Printed Media


6 Factors which may Prevent Accessibility to Printed Media

6 Factors which may Prevent Accessibility to Printed Media On this page, we go through six things that could make printed media inaccessible. The media sector has undergone radical upheaval as a result of the advancements in digital technologies. The vast expansion and pervasive dependence on the internet were the main drivers of these shifts. Mobile devices, social networking, streaming music and video services, and other technologies fall under this category.

Even if digital technology is one of the primary causes of the print media’s sharp decline, there are still other obstacles that make it difficult for people to obtain the print media that is still readily available. Daily newspaper circulations are down by 40%, and print news is now only 32% of all news sources, down from 2020’s 38%, according to Mail & Guardian.

List of 6 Factors which may prevent Accessibility to Print Media

  • Lack of infrastructure may affect the transportation of material to communities.
  • Affordability of printed media, most people in rural communities are unemployed and cannot afford to buy printed media regularly.
  • Different levels of literacy (inability to read/inability to read English) of people which may influence their ability to read different types of printed media.
  • Lack of printed media available in different home languages may restrict access to information.
  • Geographical location/local availability of certain printed media may restrict access to information.
  • Sponsors who only distribute in profitable areas may restrict access to information of some groups of society.

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