NZQA Students & Learners Portal Login For current and past students (secondary, tertiary and on-job training) to access their Record of Achievement, order certificates and more.
Create An Account
If you haven’t logged in before, you will need to know your National Student Number (NSN) to complete your account creation.
Education Provider ServicesÂ
Schools & Tertiary Education Organisations Login
Education Sector Provisioning Applications only
Request Access (with the MoE)
If you are a new user who hasn’t logged in before, you must request access.
Tertiary Entrance Verification Login
For Australian Tertiary Admission Centres and Australian universities to access ATAR scores, and New Zealand universities and polytechnics to access NCEA and Scholarship results for admission purposes.
NCEA Review 2022 pilot assessments: Assessment Master (AM) login
AM administrators for schools, kura and tertiary providers must use the AM credential from the 17 May email to access the digital assessment platform. Supervisors must use the credentials supplied by your AM administrator in the 24 May email.
Please do not use any credentials supplied previously.
Students/Äkonga should access their pilot assessment using the ‘Access your external assessment banner’ on the NZQA home page with their NZQA student login details.
NZQA Students & Learners Portal Login
NZQA Students & Learners Portal Login For current and past students (secondary, tertiary and on-job training) to access their Record of Achievement, order certificates and more.
Create An Account
If you haven’t logged in before, you will need to know your National Student Number (NSN) to complete your account creation.
Education Provider ServicesÂ
Schools & Tertiary Education Organisations Login
Education Sector Provisioning Applications only
Request Access (with the MoE)
If you are a new user who hasn’t logged in before, you must request access.
Tertiary Entrance Verification Login
For Australian Tertiary Admission Centres and Australian universities to access ATAR scores, and New Zealand universities and polytechnics to access NCEA and Scholarship results for admission purposes.
NCEA Review 2022 pilot assessments: Assessment Master (AM) login
AM administrators for schools, kura and tertiary providers must use the AM credential from the 17 May email to access the digital assessment platform. Supervisors must use the credentials supplied by your AM administrator in the 24 May email.
Please do not use any credentials supplied previously.
Students/Äkonga should access their pilot assessment using the ‘Access your external assessment banner’ on the NZQA home page with their NZQA student login details.
Qualification Recognition Services
Online Application Login
For applications submitted on or after 10 February 2020
Apply for an International Qualification Assessment (IQA) or an Overseas Study Assessment (OSA).
Legacy Online Application Web Portal
Our web portal for applications submitted before 10 February 2020 is no longer available. If you require a copy of your recognition statement for an application submitted before this date, please follow the instructions here.
NZQA Staff & Contractor Services
Exam Centre Managers and markers who need technical support or have process queries can call NZQA on 0800 222 230.
Staff and Contractors Login
For NZQA staff and contractors including Exam Centre Managers (ECMs), markers and moderators.
e-Marking For NCEA Online Login
For NCEA markers to access live marking.
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