Job Opportunities United Nations at UNFPA Tanzania – Consultant 2022
Job Opportunities United Nations at UNFPA Tanzania – Consultant 2022 Call for a Consultancy firm to conduct Endline Survey of the UNFPA – UN Women Joint Programme
“Realizing Gender Equality through Empowering Women and Adolescent Girls”
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) in Tanzania have been implementing a three-year Joint Programme since 2020, entitled “Realizing Gender Equality through Empowering Women and Adolescent Girls”, in Shinyanga and Singida Regions with financial support from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
The Joint Programme has supported ongoing efforts and commitment by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania to advance gender equality and end poverty by improving women’s economic status and agricultural transformation, strengthening village land use planning and ending all forms of violence and harmful practices against women and children, in line with the implementation of the Agriculture Sector Development Plan (ASDP) II, National Plan of Action to End Violence Against Women and Children (NPA-VAWC 2017/18 – 2021/22) and the Village Land Act.
The objectives of the Joint Programme are to enhance the social and economic status of women and adolescent girls in Ikungi district, Singida region and Msalala district, Shinyanga Region through: 1) economic empowerment of women and female youth farmers; and 2) enhancing the capacity of sub-national institutions and community to prevent and respond to Gender-based Violence (GBV) including harmful practices.
Since this is the last year of the Joint Programme implementation, an endline evaluation of the programme has been planned to determine its relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the programme in the target areas. The end-line evaluation will be done for the purpose of learning and accountability with recommendations to be provided for sustainability and scale-up.
Scope of Assignment
The endline evaluation is expected to be conducted in Ikungi District, Singida Region and Masalala District, Shinyanga Region with quantitative and qualitative study methods which will be proposed by the consultant. The qualitative methods shall include interviews with selected key institutions and beneficiaries that were reached and engaged during programme designing and implementation stages, including relevant Government Authorities at national, regional, district and community levels. These include sector ministries, Agriculture Marketing Cooperative Societies (AMCOS), public institutions, and market and village committees. The regional and district NPA-VAWC Protection Committees, including those at Ward and Village levels, selected health facilities, and some CSOs working in the programme area shall also be selected for interviews.
A preliminary list of specific stakeholders and beneficiary groups will be shared by the UN Women and UNFPA Joint Programme Team (JP Team) to inform further development and finalization of the field data collection plan of the consultancy firm.
Under this assignment, the selected research firm shall collect the necessary data across all thematic areas of the programme to fully reflect the contribution to results under the two outcomes and related outputs.
How to apply
Qualified research firm should send the application letter and proposal documents, technical and financial in separate files through the email address tanzania.office@unfpa.org
The RFQ and Terms of Reference for this assignment available in PDF placed to the top of this advert
- tor_endline_survey_koica_gewe_jp_final_05_09_22_1.pdf,
- rfpq_007-_endline_survey_of_the_unfpa_-_un_women_joint_programme.pdf
Deadline for the application: 10 October, 2022.
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