MNMA selected applicants 2024/2025 – The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy selected Students/applicants

Majina ya Wanafunzi aliochaguliwa kujiunga chuo cha Mwalimu nyerere Memorial Academy 2024/2025



Majina ya Wanafunzi aliochaguliwa kujiunga chuo cha Mwalimu nyerere Memorial Academy 2022/2023

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Majina ya Wanafunzi aliochaguliwa kujiunga chuo cha Mwalimu nyerere Memorial Academy 2024/2025 The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy is initially a product of Kivukoni College. In February, 1958 the National Conference of TANU which was held in Tabora passed a Resolution to establish a college for adults in the lines of Ruskin College in Oxford. The College was to be a tool for spreading understanding of social, political and economic problems facing underdeveloped countries such as Tanganyika among people who were likely to become leaders in newly independent country but who did not have qualifications necessary to enter educational institutions. The Adult College was formally established on 29th July, 1961 as a private company under Companies Ordinance (Cap 212).

The Institution was given the name Kivukoni College. While inaugurating Kivukoni College, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the President of TANU and the Prime Minister of Tanganyika by then had this to say about the name of the College.

“The name of this College is significant. It is not just the question of the site being of crossing place physically. Tanganyika itself is at the crossing place now; on December 9th, we assume new and great responsibilities. We shall need a strong and able crew to affect a safe journey, and every student must become part of that crew. But first he/she has his/her own crossing to make; a crossing to wide understanding and to new opportunities for service”. Regarding the adult college, Mwalimu said: Kivukoni College is not intended to be a College for an Elite, it is intended to make a contribution to the development of all the people.

To come here as a student is to be given a wonderful opportunity and a privilege. The responsibility is proportionately great. If any student ever tried to divorce himself/herself from the people who indirectly sent him/her here he/she would be abusing the privilege but I do not believe that will happen. The graduates of Kivukoni must be like the yeast in a loaf, effective because it cannot be isolated, its presence being known by the work it had done…” The College opened with 43 students only. Subjects taught were Political Science, History, Sociology, Literature, Geography, Administration, Law, Modern Languages plus other relevant subjects.
In 1971 Kivukoni College was transformed into an Ideological College. The College was considered best suited to inculcate the Party Ideology of Socialism and Self-Reliance.

The main functions of Kivukoni Ideological College were: To spread and reinforce the ideology of the Party (TANU) through interpreting, teaching, analysing and defending it and in so doing raise the level of understanding of leaders and masses at large. To be a source of ideas to help the Party promote the development of Tanzania. To be a source of information and an advisory organ on various issues regarding the ideology of the Party.

The release of MNMA Selected Applicants – The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy selected applicants  is one of the biggest events that is excitedly anticipated by many students who have submitted their applications to The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA) for the academic year .

The release of MNMA selection  designate the future profession and careers for many students, as applicants will be able to know if they have been successfully admitted to study the dream college course/program.

MNMA selected applicants  – The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy selected applicants  Release date

Many students who applied for admission at The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA) are eagerly waiting for MNMA Selected Applicants  and even predicting for when will MNMA selection be released.

The good news is that based on the info from the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) Almanac for  Admission Cycle

we are glad to inform you that the list of students selected to join The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA) is likely to be released from the  September , therefore all students who submitted their application to this college should be ready to receive official announcement from the The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA) about the official publication of the selected applicants list.

How to check MNMA Selected Applicants  Majina ya wanafunzi waliochaguliwa MNMA

If you are on this page it only means that you have been struggling online to find the easily and quickest ways to check the List of MNMA Selected Applicants , so through this page we have posted everything about how to view MNMA Selected Applicants .

In the same way, all students must be aware that official information about the release and how to check the MNMA selection  (Waliochaguliwa MNMA) and the full list of MNMA selected students 1 will be available on the The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA) website, consequently, all students who have applied to this college are recommended to visit the college website for more info.

In addition, all the information about MNMA Selected Applicants  will be updated on time through this website to make sure it can reach you sooner. The most important thing is to frequently visit this page for more details.

When the The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA) officially release the selection results, there will be many ways to check The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy selection , but the following below are the best ways to check your selection status easily, faster and smoothly, just check for yourself below.

1.      Check out MNMA Selected Applicants  by using the direct links

The links below are attached with pdf downloads, links to official press release announcements from The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy. Thus, you can use these links to check the list of MNMA Selected Applicants .

Don’t panic, if the provided above links are not working right now, it may be due to technical reasons, Server load to the The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy Website or we have not yet updated a full link to the official documents, so you can also try the next method below to track your application status.

2.Check out MNMA Selected Applicants  by using the The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA) Online application system.

You can also check The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA) selection by using MNMA online application system, the Online application system that you used to submit your application.

To check your selection status or selection results, just login to your account profile and you will be able to track the status of your selection whether you have successful been selected or you have been rejected or You have multiple admission. You will need to confirm your selection only if you have multiple admission.

How to Check TCU multiple admission list and Single admission list

How to Check TCU multiple admission list and Single admission list 2022/2023

Candidates applied for admission in  academic year can also check their multiple or single admission status via Higher learning institution websites, as the full list of approved students , students with multiple and single admission status will also be sent to the Higher learning institution for publishing on their website, full details on how to check your admission status/selection via Higher learning institution/University website kindly follow this link here >>

TCU verification/confirmation code  for Multiple admission applicants

As mentioned above, in order to guarantee their admission to just one university college for the academic year 2022–2023, all applicants who have been chosen by more than one university must confirm their admission as soon as possible before the deadline.

If the application does not confirm for any reason, all universities to which they have been accepted for the 2022–2023 academic year may deny admission to the applicant.

TCU How to confirm /Verify admission for applicants with  multiple University admission

An applicant with multiple admissions must have a Special TCU verification code, which was sent to all applicants via SMS/E-mail, in order to confirm for admission in the  academic year. If you haven’t yet received the verification code, you can request it directly through the higher education institution’s online application platform if you so choose. To confirm your enrollment at the university, college, or institution of your choice, only the requested TCU confirmation code may be used.


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