Majina Ya Walioitwa kwenye usaili Tanapa January 2021 | Tangazo la Kuitwa kwenye Usaili Tanapa 2021
Majina Ya Walioitwa kwenye usaili Tanapa January 2021 | Tangazo la Kuitwa kwenye Usaili Tanapa 2021 The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) is a government organ with a status of independent Department established specifically to facilitate the recruitment process of employees to the Public Service. Public Service Recruitment Secretariat was established by the Public Service Act No. 8 0f 2002 as amended by Act No. 18 of 2007, section 29(1)
On behalf of Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA), Public Service Recruitment Secretariat release names of qualified Tanzanians called for interview which will be conducted between 6th – 19th January, 2021 as detailed in the PDF file attached;
Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) is a Parastatal Organization whose mandate is to manage and regulate the use of areas designated as National Parks. The Organization currently manages twenty-two National Parks which form part of larger protected ecosystems set aside to preserve Tanzania’s rich natural heritage.
Driving in the parks is allowed between 6 am and 6 pm only. The speed limit in the parks is 50km/h and 25km/h in the Ngorongoro Crater. Animals always have the right of way. Never feed animals. It will upset their diet and lead to an unnecessary dependence on people. Keep to the authorized tracks only. Do not pick, cut or destroy any vegetation or remove any object of biological interest, including eggs, bones and trophies. Camping is allowed only in designated sites. Picnicking is allowed only at designated sites. Do not disturb or harass the wildlife in any way. Radios and music players are forbidden. Please do not imitate animal’s sounds, clap or pound on vehicle or hoot. Do not throw objects to attract animal’s attention. Do not litter. Keep your waste in the vehicle until it can be properly disposed later at your lodge or camp. Litter can choke or poison animals and birds. Do not smoke while on game drive and always dispose cigarettes carefully. A burning cigarette can start a wild fire that would cause damage to vegetation and suffering to wildlife and people. Do not light or cause fire to be lit. If camping, be sure to extinguish your fire carefully. All visitors must remain in their vehicle within 200 meters of any game animal. Leaving the vehicle in the parks is forbidden except in designated places. Discourage your driver from approaching the animals too close (25 meters). Lions, cheetahs and leopards are especially nervous; a vehicle can hinder their hunting or make them leave a hard earned meal. Your driver may be banned from the area and/or lose his job. Domestic pets are forbidden in the parks. Ngorongoro Crater: You are required to hire a TANAPA guide before descending into the Crater. The guide fees are approximately $20 which can be paid in cash. It’s is not allowed to use/operate drones in any park. Leave the park undisturbed by not leaving or removing anything, animate or inanimate Our eco-system depends on a very delicate balance The less we disturb it the longer we can enjoy it.
Majina Ya Walioitwa kwenye usaili Tanapa January 2021 | Tangazo la Kuitwa kwenye Usaili Tanapa 2021
PARK FEES (Including VAT per person per day) ARUSHA NATIONAL PARKAdult: 53.10 USD Child: 17.70 USDTARANGIRE NATIONAL PARKAdult: 53.10 USD Child: 17.70 USD LAKE MANYARA NATIONAL PARK Adult: 53.10 USD Child: 17.70 USD SERENGETI NATIONAL PARK Adult: 70.80 USD Child: 23.60 USD NGORONGORO CONSERVATION AREAAdult: 70.80 USD Child: 23.60 USD VEHICLE FEES PARK PER DAY for TANAPA TSHS.41,300/= VEHICLE FEES PARK PER DAY for NGORONGORO TSHS.41,300/= Ngorongoro Crater Vehicle Fee: 295 USD CHILD = UNDER 16 Payment of Park Fees: TANAPA (Tanzania National Parks- Serengeti, Lake Manyara, Tarangire, Arusha National Park) Accepts credit card (MasterCard and Visa) or designated TANAPA park fees cards. NCAA (Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority) Accepts credit cards (MasterCard and Visa). WMA (Wildlife Management Area) – is the fee for wildlife controlled areas outside the parks. This needs to be pre-arranged and paid for in advance. WMA Fees range between $12-$30 per/person per/day and $6 per day for the vehicle. WMA areas are: outside Tarangire National Park, Ikoma (Serengeti), Lake Natron & Loliondo, Engaresero, Longido, Monduli, Simanjiro, Babati, Rombo (Lake Chala), Siha, Ndarakwai, Meatu (Mwiba & Maswa Game Reserve), Kiteto and several other areas which are still being allocated. Please inform us your travel plans/programs for us to guide you on this and organize such permits in advance to avoid unnecessary inconveniences
CLICK LINK HAPA CHINI KU- DOWNLOAD PDF FILE YA MAJINA YOTE NA MAELEZO KAMILI: Click link below to download the file with full names and more details for interview…. Interview Dates: 16th – 19th January, 2021. DOWNLOAD PDF FILE HERE!
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