Job opportunities At Opportunities SHINYANGA at SNV Tanzania – Construction of Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) April, 2020


Job Summary

Objective of this assignment is to construct the faecal sludge treatment plant based on the detailed design drawings and specifications (link provided) and agreed Bills of quantities (BoQ)

Job Description 


SNV Tanzania is not-for-profit international development organisation, working in over 25 of the poorest countries worldwide, including 15 countries in Sub Saharan Africa. We focus on Agriculture, Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. SNV’s strategy addresses the following key elements: Inclusive development listens to and engages with people living in poverty, and underprivileged categories of the population such as young women and men. Realizing inclusive and sustained development at scale requires systemic change in sector performance and promoting equality. SNV supports local ownership by strengthening the capacities of local stakeholders in development processes for and on behalf of the poor.

In Tanzania, SNV is implementing WASH SDG Programme in Arusha and Shinyanga Regions. The project aims to sustainably improve access to and use of sanitation services and improve hygiene behaviours in the coming five years (2017-2022). It is built on three core strategic objectives, namely (1) increasing demand for improved WASH facilities and practices, (2) improving the quality of service provision and (3) improving governance of the sector. The programme will contribute to achieving access to safely managed sanitation and improved hygiene behaviour for 200,000 and 160,000 people respectively in peri-urban/urban areas of Shinyanga and Arusha municipalities/cities. It is a multi- country programme that works with municipal governments to develop inclusive, safe and sustainable city-wide sanitation services.

Shinyanga municipality is comprised of 17 wards with a population of 188, 983 people in 38,179 households. There is currently no sewer system, nor is there any proper faecal sludge treatment systems that currently exist, although one is planned. In efforts to improve Shinyanga Municipal’s Faecal Sludge Management, the WASH SDG programme took an initiative to guide stakeholders through a process of informed choice regarding technology selection, planning, design a faecal sludge treatment & reuse options for the city. Through this process, several assessments were done such as the rapid technical assessment faecal sludge desludging, Feacal sludge characterisation study and re-use benchmarking visit to Kenya. Results from these assessments were used to select and later design faecal sludge treatment plant.

Natural systems of planted drying beds for faecal sludge (FS) treatment and constructed wetlands for percolate treatment was a preferred option. Request for land at the current FS disposal site was initiated (approval from city council already granted) to upgrade the current site, initially with trenching, and now constructing a FS treatment plant is the current vision.

The planning and design of this faecal sludge treatment plant was a phase wise design approach, for two phases. With phase one designed to cater for the current demand of 40 to 60 cubic metres of Faecal Sludge per day, and later phase two to handle 100 cubic metres per day. SNV through the WASH SDG programme is currently supporting the investment and construction of phase one. Local government (including Shinyanga Municipal council and the water utility, will fund the costs related to operating and running of the system, will provide technical support during construction and in ensuring that the system of adequately maintained (with guidance from SNV).Objective of this assignment is to construct the faecal sludge treatment plant based on the detailed design drawings and specifications (attached) and agreed Bills of quantities (BoQ).
For more Details and Specifications of the assignment COPY & PASTE this link to a NEW TAB –

Submission Deadlines
Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM East African Time on Friday, April 17th, 2020. Late submissions will not be accepted and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation reserves the right not to evaluate a nonresponsive or incomplete proposal. All proposals are to be submitted following the guidelines listed below. Telephone requests will not be honoured.
To Submit your PROPOSAL, please fill a form through this link –  (COPY & PASTE to a NEW TAB)

How to Apply?
Please manually apply for this job using the details below:
Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM East African Time on Friday, April 17th, 2020. Late submissions will not be accepted and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation reserves the right not to evaluate a nonresponsive or incomplete proposal. All proposals are to be submitted following the guidelines listed below. Telephone requests will not be honoured.
To Submit your PROPOSAL, please fill a form through this link – (COPY & PASTE to a NEW TAB)

Originally posted 2024-02-07 11:26:35.

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